F'ing Idiots
- Monday, April 27 2009 @ 12:54 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,021
For a f'ing photo op.
And they told the NYC authorities to keep it secret.
Pardon my language, but Jesus H. F. Christ on a popsicle stick!
Our government is entirely, 100%, completely composed of utter, complete morons. Is there not one single intelligent person above GS-6 in Federal service with sufficient wit to think that New Yorkers might be just a teensy bit apprehensive about a big honking airliner flying low and slow near the site of the former World Trade Center? One person? Just one?
I didn't think they could top the hysterical, over the top panic about swine flu. (Oh, yeah, we're all gonna die.) But I was wrong.
What stupid thing can these morons do next? We've already let these pinheads take over the automotive and finance industries in the U.S.--literally.
Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's let these dimwits run our entire medical system! And destroy what's left of our economy, in order to save us from bogus global warming. Golly, those sound like swell ideas. What could possibly go wrong?
I hope something changes soon. But we're stuck with this sorry excuse of a national government for the next three and a half years. They'll be long ones.