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Semi-Annual Whip, August 2, 2011

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The Lazy, Uncategorized version:

Debt-ceiling bill passes the House -- "By a margin 269 to 161, with 66 Republicans voting no and 95 Democrats voting yes, the House passed the debt-ceiling increase with the accompanying package of cuts." Note that "cuts" in Washington, D.C. aren't really cuts at all, in the sense that you and I would consider a cut. If your employer chops your salary by 5%, that's what we in the real world call "a cut." If your employer raises your salary by 5%, that's what we in the real world call a "raise." But in the fantasyland that we call Washington, D.C. it would be a "5% cut" if you expected a 10% raise and only got a 5% raise instead. Keep that in the front of your mind the next time you hear somebody complaining about the eeeeevil Republicans and their plans to barbecue and eat Granny.


The Winner of the Power Line Prize Is…

Five minutes of common-sense win.

Why won't the Senate bring the House budget bill to a vote?

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I think that question says everything you really need to know about which party is actually trying to fix the problem, and which one is cynically using it as a political billy-stick against the American people.

Spam Of The Day

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This one's delightfully lame:

Return-Path: (mm@charternet.com)
. . .
Received: from mail.khpb.gov.tw (mail.khpb.gov.tw [])
by (redacted); Fri, 29 Jul 2011 06:56:23 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from mail.khpb.gov.tw (mail.khpb.gov.tw [])
by mail.khpb.gov.tw (8.14.1/8.14.1) with ESMTP id p6T3idxM003492;
Fri, 29 Jul 2011 11:44:39 +0800
From: "JP MORGAN LOAN FIRM" (mm@charternet.com)
Reply-To: morganloaninvestment87001@live.com
Subject: GOOD DAY
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 11:44:39 +0800
. . .

To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear Valued Customer,

We give out loan to company and private investor Loan for credit Card,
Medical Care loan, Car Loan, Mortgage Loan, Student Loan, personal loan e.t.c. Or do
you need a loan to enhance your business, consolidate your debt.

For more information inquiries and Application, Please Contact our representative via
this e-mail. morganloaninvestment87001@live.com

Kindly ignore this message if you are not interested.
Thank You!
Dr.Dave Balkissoon.

I'm sure Dr. Dave Balkissoon at morganloaninvestment87001@live.com would appreciate as much e-mail as you all e-mail scrapers can manage to send him. Enjoy . . .

"Give us more money, or your Granny gets it!"

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The Democrats' battle cry, in a nutshell. They are pushers--drug dealers--and the drug they push is dependency on government. They hook people on the drug. Then they can control them. They have no interest in making people better--making people able to live their own lives. All of their activities are focused on depriving people of the ability to live their own lives and instead making them dependent on "people who know better" to "take care of them." That's what they do--that's who they are. All the bluster and blather in the world from Obama and his enablers in the media won't change who they are. Their "fairness" is the fairness of the feedlot.

"Tax The Rich" Continued

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Via TigerHawk this graph from American Thinker:

The top 1% of taxpayers pay more income taxes than the bottom 95% of taxpayers. This, to some people is not fair. To those people, the 1% should actually pay more taxes. Um . . . uh . . . yeah . . . right . . . (questions regarding the color of the sky in the world of those people begin to come to one's lips . . .)

So, tell me again how the rich are getting richer on the backs of the poor, and not paying their fair share . . .

And tell me why you keep lying to me, everyone else you say that to, and most of all to yourself?

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out"

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Said by President Obama on this CBS News video clip (click the link to view--the actual video's embed code seems to be horked).

Well, Mr. President, you were hired to manage the resources of the American people which were diverted into the Federal Government. Your statement says one of two things about you (and these are the only two possibilities--you don't get a margin for error when you sit in the Oval Office, you know):

1: You do not think that sending out Veteran's checks, Social Security checks, and disability checks are high-priority tasks of the Federal Government, and that all other activities that continue functioning after the Federal Government hits the "debt ceiling" are more important than sending out those benefit checks, or:

2: If you do in fact think that disbursing those benefit checks are important, then you have failed to manage the Federal Government to ensure that sufficient resources were available to these important programs--if necessary giving them budgetary preference to other, less important programs. This is what executives do, Mr. President. They make decisions, given limited resources. But you wouldn't know that, would you, having never actually held an executive position before in your life. The budget you actually did submit to Congress was resoundingly rejected--it did not receive a single assenting vote even in a Senate held by your own political party. In essence, you were told to go back, do it over, and get it right this time. You have failed to do so. You have failed to faithfully discharge the duties of your office. You have violated your Oath of Office.

If 1: is true, and you should follow through on your threat to withhold Social Security, veterans, or disability checks to qualified individuals, then you have no standing in the future to suggest that you care about the recipients of those checks in any shape, manner, or form, because you have manifestly demonstrated with your actions that you have no regard for them whatsoever. They will judge your job performance on that basis in November, 2012, or

If 2: is true, then it is a frank admission that you are unable to competently execute (the verb root of "executive") the powers of the Office of the President of the United States. Thank you for your belated clarity regarding your competency for the position you now hold.

The Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training.

On behalf of the American people, I hereby request and demand your immediate resignation.

Personally, I believe that you actually hold both positions 1 and 2. I don't think you actually give a tinker's damn about the people who receive government benefit checks, except so far as you think you can buy or cajole their votes by the carrot or the stick. I don't think you are at all competent to be President of the United States. I do not think you possess the proper set of skills and temperament to be successful in that office. I do not think you have the capability to acquire those skills and temperament.

I believe the your tenure in the office up until now has demonstrated that you are a cynical, craven individual seized with power-lust who would do, and has done, anything to gain and to hold onto power.

Pease Porridge Hot . . .

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Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old; Some like it hot, some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, nine days old.
(from Wikipedia)

The Obama Doctrine becomes clearer and clearer every day:

1) Hate the Rich;
2) Hate those who build aircraft (commercial, military, or private) in the United States (and, by the way, if you are not a dues-paying union member, you are not a Real American);
3) Hate peas, those who grow them, and those who eat them;
4) Hate the simple laws of economics and finance;
5) Use "compromise" as an exact synonym for "agree with me in every detail and aspectr";
6) Act as if it is in the national interest of the United States to give guns to Mexican drug gangs on the border (which of course is to be blamed on American citizens who keep and bear arms);
7) Assert that it is in the national interest of the United States to build high speed rail (presumably to speed the delivery of guns to Mexican drug gangs on the border);
8) Fearmonger and demonize political opponents as regularly as a metronome's beats;
9) When in doubt, ruthlessly demagogue, exaggerate, and lie, using Obama's daughters as political weapons when necessary.
10) "There are those who object to my setting up of ludicrous straw-man arguments to advance my mindless, thoughless, misguided feel-good disastrous agenda of nanny-state (inter)national socialism. Let me be clear to those transparent straw-men: I Won!"

Whip July 8, 2011

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I remember why I quit doing these. They take a while to assemble.


Libertarianism & Power -- A fundamental tenet of classical liberalism is that concentrations of power are generally unwise. The most unwise and dangerous of which are concentrations of governmental power, and concentrations of outlaws, brigands, thugs, thieves, and the like--for the identical reason: because throughout history, the remedies for such concentrations usually involve killing people--or at least, the aggressive use of overwhelming force. Remedies for concentrations of power in other spheres of human activity generally require less drastic remedies.

Andrew Breitbart on The Undefeated


Wisconsin isn’t over

Yes, I’m Questioning Your Patriotism

How the Titanic sank radio freedom

Postrel: Public Works Built on Rosy Scenarios

Wisconsin schools buck union to cut health costs

New Hampshire Judge Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest: Incident sparks court order banning cameras in courtroom -- I think I know someone who needs to be reminded in no uncertain terms that judges are not kings . . .