Welcome to Medary.com Wednesday, March 05 2025 @ 01:09 PM CST

Light posting recently

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As my two or three readers may have noticed, posting has been light.

We've been out on the road watching basketball. Not necessarily good basketball all the time, but interesting nonetheless.

More posting ahead . . .

Cheney Got A Gun

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(Title best sung to the tune of the Aerosmith song).

Did y'all know that the Vice President shot someone? Heh. Me neither. It's something, isn't it?

Elsewhere in what passes for news in the world today:

Hey, how about that guy who (allegedly) shot his wife and kid then escaped to England! Good for him there's no extradition treaty between the U.K. and the U.S.

And what about that Bode Miller guy! He's sure some skater. Looks like he'll sweep all of the gold medals.

How about that U.S. curling team? What athletes!

Hey, I saw a funny cartoon about a religious figure the other day. I think I'll go burn down an embassy.

We have met the enemy . . .

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Matt McIntosh at WindsofChange.net has good point:
We're in a race to bring the rest of the world up to our level before the bin Ladens of the world can bring us back down to theirs. That was the purpose of Iraq, and no matter how one felt about the wisdom of the Bush administration's choices (or lack thereof, depending on your point of view), we can all hope that the Iraqis will succeed, insh'allah.

Careening towards Catastrophe

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Item: Syrians burn Danish embassy. All over a bunch of cartoons.

Item: IAEA refers Iran to the UN Security Council. Iran says they'll go ahead and continue to do what they're in trouble for in the first place--develop nuclear weapons.

The world's headlong descent into the next world war continues apace. The last won killed over 60 million. The next one will be worse.

Coyotes in Urban America

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When Snookums and I were in Knoxville, TN a few weeks ago, I was pretty sure we saw a coyote.

Apparently, its not that uncommon to see those mangy creatures in the outskirts of American cities.

Radisson Makes Good

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Radisson Seven Seas Cruises has responded to our complaint letter regarding our Carribbean cruise. They sent us a letter of apology and an offer of $750/person off our next cruise. I'll post the letter when we get back home.

We've already booked another RSSC cruise, so we'll be giving Radisson another chance.

Thanks to Radisson for stepping up.

Update 2/7/2006: click on the "read more" link below to view Radisson's response letter to us.