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Michael Yon: New Media Star

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Who is Michael Yon? The blogosphere is abuzz with this guy's first-hand reports with the troops in Iraq:
When I came back into the TOC, Major Michael Lawrence--who I often challenge to pull-up contests, and who so far has beat me (barely) every time--looked me square and professionally, in the direct way of a military leader and asked, "Mike, did you pick up a weapon today?"

"I did."

"Did you fire that weapon?"

"I did."

"If you pick up another weapon, you are out of here the next day. Understood?"


Yon is linked throughout the (right-wing) blogosphere, from the big guys (Instapundit, Chrenkoff, Malkin) to the up-and-comers (Truth On Iraq, Slublog, Right We Are) and many others.

French Intelligence: Al Qaida targeting Asia

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Captain Ed is on it:
We need to strip ourselves of any illusions about this as well. A successful attack on any of these economic powerhouses will have a serious impact on our own economy. The West needs to band together to protect our combined assets and present a united defense against AQ lunatics. Given our relationship with Japan and Australia, it should be a far easier task there than in Europe.

Bolton wants a different kind of UN reform

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Bolton says "I think not" to a UN "reform" initiative:
Large sections would commit Washington to policies with which it profoundly disagrees. America is being asked to promise 0.7 per cent of its national income for foreign aid; acknowledge the role of the International Criminal Court, which it has not joined; and cut extreme poverty and introduce primary education for all children within 10 years.
via Hugh Hewett.

Iraqis continue to struggle with Constitution

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Shiite majority in Iraq offers one more compromise to the Sunni minority:
Sunni Arabs, meanwhile, said federalism, especially al-Hakim's demand for a Shiite mini-state in the south, remained the major obstacle. But they said the Kurds were unwilling to budge on that issue in order to protect their own self-ruled region in three northern provinces.

"Federalism is now the core issue. In light of Kurdish intransigence it makes it difficult to hope for a compromise," said Sadoun Zubaydi, a Sunni member of the drafting committee.

Sunni Arabs fear that federalism will lead to the breakup of the country and deprive them of oil wealth, concentrated in the Shiite south and the north, much of it in areas the Kurds rule or want to incorporate.

The Sunnis apparently don't understand that federalism is the only way Iraq will stay together. The Kurds (and to a lesser extent the Shia) won't accept any less. It's time for the Sunnis to learn the democratic principle that "half a loaf is better than none."

BRAC keeps Ellsworth AFB, closes Walter Reed hospital

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The Base Realignment And Closure commission votes to keep open Ellsworth Air Force Base:
Looking for at least five commissioners to raise their hands in support of Skinner's motion, the South Dakotans instead saw all but one of the nine-member panel vote to save Ellsworth.
Big win for Senator John Thune and the state of South Dakota.

Yesterday, the BRAC voted to close the storied Walter Reed Army Hospital.

The Pentagon had recommended closing the venerable hospital, where former President Dwight Eisenhower died in 1969 and Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur died in 1964. Heritage aside, Defense Department planners argued that the cost of needed improvements at Walter Reed was far greater than the expense of building a new center.

CIA internal report recommends disciplinary actions

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The CIA inspector general asks Director Porter Goss to institute disciplinary reviews of CIA agents who failed to act prior to 9/11:
Following a two-year review into what went wrong before the suicide hijackings, (CIA inspector general John) Helgerson harshly criticizes a number of the agency's most senior officials, according to people familiar with the report. Among those singled out for criticism are former CIA Director George Tenet, former clandestine service chief Jim Pavitt and former counterterrorism center head Cofer Black.
. . . Those who know Goss well question whether the director, who took over the agency last September, will commission the disciplinary reviews.

Despite public outcries for accountability, many in the intelligence community believe Goss would be loath to try to discipline popular former senior officials and cause unrest within the agency.

With all due respect to the AP and Newsday, the last two quoted paragraphs are ridiculous. There will be accountability here. Anyone at the CIA who has the "my job's too important to be held accountable" attitude needs to be gone. Now.

Morning Whip, August 25, 2005

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The Whip #10: Which incarnation of The Doctor are you?
#9: Professor goes underground (undergrad)
#8: UMKC, K-State women's basketball schedules
#7: Dakota NAIA conference looks at move to NCAA D-II
#6: Royals 4, Red Sox 3, 12 innings
#5: Fire phasers, Mr. Sulu!
#4: Robertson: Oops! Sorry!
#3: Iran...North Korea...Iran...North Korea
#2: Full text of Iraqi constitution
#1: War, death, and victory

Which incarnation of The Doctor are you?

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For you Doctor Who fans--a quiz to determine which Doctor you are:
The Doctor... a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, roaming time and space in his stolen TARDIS, crusading for liberty, individuality, and civility wherever his adventures take him. This quiz will tell you which of the first seven Doctors (sorry, folks, I'm only using the ones with established bodies of televised stories) you most resemble.
Filbert discovers he's the Fourth Doctor:
You are the Fourth Doctor: A walking Bohemian conundrum with a brooding personal magnetism and a first-rate intellect concealed somewhere beneath your charmingly goofy exterior. You are perhaps the most terribly clever of all the Doctors, though your occasional bouts of childishness get you in trouble. You never go looking for a fight, but when someone messes with you... good heavens, are they ever sorry they did.

via De Doc.

Professor goes underground (undergrad)

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A Northern Arizona University professor goes native, enrolls as an undergraduate to find out how today's students live:
(Northern Arizona University professor Cathy) Small said she found that students downplayed publicly the effort they put into assigned reading or papers, but when interviewed, many said they were interested in their course work.

Her surveys also found that only about a third of what students were talking and thinking about outside of class was based on their course work.

That finding has led Small to change her coursework to better connect to the real world and to skip reading assignments that don't have a direct purpose.

Part of the trick to college life, she learned from good students, was being able to quickly decipher what work needed to be done and what could be skipped. Those management skills helped students balance classes, part-time work and involvement in volunteer or professional groups, Small said.

If professors are this out-of-touch with how their students on the same campus are living, how well do they understand what goes on in "the Real World" outside academia?

UMKC, K-State women's basketball schedules

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Missouri-Kansas City releases the Kangaroos' women's basketball schedule:
The UMKC women's basketball team will play six doubleheaders along with the Kangaroo men's basketball team in the 2005-06 schedule that was announced today. In addition, the team will face four teams that advanced to the 2005 post season as it will travel to Kansas State, Tulsa and Arkansas and Mid-Continent Conference champion Oral Roberts.
Kansas State's women's basketball schedule:
Overall, three non-conference opponents (Santa Clara, Houston, La. Tech) and five league opponents (Baylor, Iowa State, OU, Texas and Texas Tech) on this year’s slate reached the NCAA Tournament in 2004-05, while three (Creighton, Nebraska, Texas A&M) were selected to the postseason WNIT field. Televised games and remaining game times will be released at a later date.