Welcome to Medary.com Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 10:29 AM CST

Money CAN buy you happiness

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Researchers discover that yes, richer people are happier.
The results showed that the richer people were relative to their peers of the same age, the happier they tended to be.

Glen Firebaugh, from Pennsylvania State University, who led the study, said: "We find, with and without controls, that the higher the income of others in one's age group, the lower one's happiness.

Airliner crash in Greece-a weird one

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Oxygen loss probed in crash of Cypriot airliner in Greece:
A man whose cousin was a passenger said he received a cell phone text message minutes before the crash. ''He told me the pilots were unconscious. ... He said: "Farewell, cousin, here we're frozen," Sotiris Voutas said -- indicating the plane was cold, a sign of decompression.
There are no good ways to die, but this sounds more horrible than most. Eerily reminiscent of Payne Stewart's demise.

Europe notices it has a problem

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OpinionJournal :
Absolutist interpretation of free-speech rights, with no injunction against "shouting fire in a crowded theater," has protected extremists such as Mr. Qatada and Omar Bakri Mohammed, who recently fled Britain after two decades of preaching hatred and violence. Allowing Muslims to practice their religion freely is the act of a free society. But looking the other way while radical clerics praise suicide bombers in Israel and America and encourage their acolytes to attack their neighbors is an abdication of governmental responsibility.
For every right there is a responsibility. If you want to preach hatred, do not be surprised when the mob with torches and pitchforks (or, in Texas, shotguns) arrive at your doorstep telling you to shut up.

Gaza pullout begins

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Israel begins removing settlers from Gaza:
Israeli troops fired in the air Monday to keep back hundreds of Palestinians, including a few dozen masked gunmen, who were marching toward southern Gaza's Gush Katif bloc of settlements in celebration of the impending withdrawal. The crowd burned a cardboard model of an Israeli settlement, complete with an army watchtower.
I suppose it's too much to ask that the Palestinians accept this Israeli peace gesture with some small amount of decorum.

Bush's neighbors have had enough of Sheehan

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Bush's neighbor engages in some firearms practice:
While about 60 in Sheehan's group held a religious service Sunday morning, a nearby landowner, Larry Mattlage, fired his shotgun twice into the air. Sheriff's deputies and Secret Service agents rushed to his house but did not arrest him.

"I ain't threatening nobody, and I ain't pointing a gun at nobody," Mattlage said. "This is Texas."

Mattlage said he was initially sympathetic toward the demonstrators, but that they have blocked roads in the area and caused traffic problems. He said he fired his gun in preparation for the dove-hunting season, but when asked if he had another motive, he said, "Figure it out for yourself."

No Government Cheese has it about right:

Louisiana Libertarian has also had enough:

f you want the latest on that woman out in Texas who is disgracing the memory of her son to score political points, go somewhere else. This blog will not give her the platform her and her allies desire.
Henceforth and with appropriate hat-tip to Louisiana Libertarian, should I be forced to comment About That Woman In Texas and her far-out pals, I'll use the acronym TWIT. Should you think that acronym is unseemly to use for a "grieving mother," just go check out what TWIT has said about Israel, for instance. I don't think losing a son in Iraq is a license to spew anti-Semitic rhetoric. Saying that, I'm not sure that shooting off a shotgun is necessarily a good idea either.

Little Green Footballs has everything you really need to know about TWIT, mercifully relieving from me the need to comment further. I'm outa here on this topic.

Conference Map Project: Egregious Omission #1

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Alert reader Russell noted the omission of IUPUI from the main map as well as the Mid-Con map. My sincere apologies to Russell and the IUPUI Jaguars...the maps have been fixed. Thanks to Russell and all who have viewed, voted, and/or commented on the maps.

Under the radar: Electronic Prescription Monitoring

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A bill was signed into law last week by President Bush. I bet you haven't heard of it. This bill requires essentially all prescriptions to be gathered into government databases. If you're taking Prozac, Big Brother will know.

Todd over at Dangerous Liberty makes a point:

While standards and penalities for misuse of information are in supposedly a part of this bill, once the data has been misused, a penalty on the abuser doesn't undo the damage.
While I think Todd's inital reaction of "another reason to hate Bush" is a bit knee-jerk, he does modify that somewhat from "hate" to "extremely dislike". I'll agree that it's time for the libertarian right to crank up the heat on this Administration and this Congress on the whole spectrum of issues. That's why it's so frustrating that the Loony Left gets all the press.

There are serious issues out there but nobody wants to discuss them seriously. As usual, the Republicans get the words right but can't quite ever seem to do the right thing in the end.

Update: As Todd notes his original post was that it was a "valid reason to hate Bush" not "another reason . . . "--as opposed to the BS reasons dredged up by the Left. His comment regarding this is in, well, the Comments.

Instapundit and the Walken/Able Danger Conspiracy

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Disclaimer: this Dirty Lie is intended to grease the skids for Medary.com's more-than-justified membership into the Alliance of Free Blogs.

Where is Glenn "puppy blender" Reynolds? He has been gone for nearly a week, and his "blog" has been taken over by Instadopplegangers. While this might be an improvement, it begs the fundamental question: What's the self-titled Instapundit up to? Let's go to the blogosphere for some clues . . .

Is it related to the Able Danger-9/11 Commission imbroglio, reported by Dreadpundit? We want to know where Reynolds was when:

Representative Weldon finally told the story to Jacob Goodwin of Government Security News who published an article in their August edition.
Suspicious, yes? Well, there's more. Spacemonkey is blegging for Pepsi/Dew points. That can't be good.

Linda at Something...and Half of Something notes that Christopher Walken is running for President. "Indeed" as the InstaReynolds would say.

Sakrata.com, possibly the only blog in existence with a name in the same league of lameness as Medary.com, wonders not only about the ineffable lameness of Florida lawyer Jack Thompson but also about the worth of the space program which, if I indicate its lameness makes three times in one paragraph I've used what is apparently my new favorite word, "lameness." OK, make that four.

What does it all mean?

Well, from here, it looks like Glenn Reynolds is consulting with Christopher Walken to become Attorney General in a Walken administration, in order to cover up the Able Danger report to the 9/11 Commission by contracting with Jack Thompson to snarf up all of the Pepsi/Dew points to keep them away from Spacemonkey, who wants to return home but can't because the space program isn't up for it yet.

There will be trouble over all this, mark my words.

OK, Allliance, am I in?

Mama, pass the cloneloaf!

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BBC reports that scientists think it possible to grow meat.
Developments in tissue engineering mean that cells taken from animals could be grown directly into meat in a laboratory, the researchers say.

Scientists believe the technology already exists to directly grow processed meat like a chicken nugget.

Mmmmmm.....cloneburger. Clone dogs! Corned Clone! Clonewurst! Splone! (OK, that last one was a stretch on "Spam.")

Just remember: Soylent Green is made from PEOPLE!!!!