- Friday, June 24 2005 @ 07:46 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 2,463
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Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 01:17 PM CST
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Actually, as far as I can tell, a lot of the ranking is sheer longevity. Oh, well . . . I live, therefore I post.
Q: Who's in Gitmo?
A: Operation Scoop Up The Little Lost Lambs plucked men from distant countries and brought them to Gitmo to beat them deaf for no apparent reason. There are between 400 and 30 million people at Gitmo, and somewhere between zero and 15 million people have died there.
via Instapundit, who notes that
Hysteria and political point-scoring have turned this into a joke.
There are now Club Gitmo t-shirts. "What happens in Gitmo stays in Gitmo."
When you to attempt to equate the killing of six million Jews or the estimated FIFTY MILLION Soviet victims in the gulags to the interrigation techniques applied by the U.S. military at Guantanamo to the worst of the worst from Afganistan and Iraq, you should expect derision, not intelligent discourse.
I am happy to oblige.
The word "Nazi" has ceased to have any real meaning in public discourse, due to its constant misuse by the Dick Durbans, Rick Santorums, and countless others both on-line and elsewhere.
On Tuesday, from the floor of the Senate, Durbin, citing a declassified FBI report, compared the treatment of prisoners at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to "Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings."
Columnist Mark Steyn in the New York Sun observes:
Evangelical Republicans Trust States on Social Issues
Reading the WaPo story, OpinionJournal blogger James Taranto notes:
evangelical Protestant Republicans (EPRs) have more trust in the democratic process than do Americans in general, and presumably far more than secular liberal Democrats (SLDs). It is the SLDs, then, who are guilty of the charge they make against the EPRs--namely, trying to impose their views on others.
Seems like the WaPo is discovering a political truth I realized some time ago and mentioned in the context of the esteemable Howard Dean: The Democrats have become the Party of Psychological Projection.
Hat tip to OpinionJournal
Discussion topics for today:
Do two wrongs really, really make a right?
Should a high-ranking official go public with allegations against his President? If so, how? Anonymous and technically illegal leaks to the media, or a public resignation and accusation? Or, should he have participated in the coverup (this one thrown out for the hordes of Administration officials since George Washington's administration).
Thirty years after the fact, is it moral, immoral, or neutral that that public official (or, more accurately, his family) makes a million dollars on the now elderly public official's story?
My answers:
No, two wrongs do not make a right.
Public resignation and accusation would have been the proper and most honorable action of Mr. Felt and any other official in his position.
It is unseemly at best for Mr. Felt or his family to cash in at this time. It gives the distasteful appearance that his family wants to make some money off of the old guy before he passes away.
That's what I think.
Discuss . . .