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More Euro-love for Dubya

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Courtesy the
U.K. Telegraph: "The day Dubya trumped Putin by playing the joker"

(OK, England isn't exactly Europe, but it's close . . . )

As the post-summit press conference got under way in Bratislava Castle, however, drooping heads were suddenly jerked upright. White House correspondents have seen a few taut press conferences in their time. Few had witnessed anything like the electric closing Bush/Putin encounter.

Bush Was Right

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Out of curiousity, I typed
"bush was right"
into Google.

The result:

Results 1 - 10 of about 32,400 for "bush was right". (0.49 seconds)


Morning Whip, 2/26/05

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The Whip I've noticed an unfortunate tendency for the Morning Whip to become the Afternoon Whip. Discipline, Filbert, discipline.

Wichita police think they've got the BTK serial killer. I hope so.

It's almost March, which means it's Madness time. Is it time for John Chaney to go?

They're not eligible for the Big Dance for a while, but - - - Jackrabbits vs. Bison. Tonight. In Fargo. The Women. The Men. Gotta love college basketball.

Wal-Mart (select boo-hiss or hurrah based on your personal preference) is still out in NYC, but in to redevelop an aging shopping center in Kansas City.

Morning Whip, 2/24/05

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The Whip Our good friends at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (sarcasm intended) have apparently realized that salt is bad.

Ladies and gentlemen, the cowbell. The cowbell.

You all probably knew this already, but Google Maps is quite cool.

Spyware removal links, courtesy NetworkWorldFusion's Compendium blog:

Remote BHO exploit scanner.

Dave Piscitello apparently dislikes spyware as much or more than I do.

And, one of the motherships of the anti-spyware movement: spywareinfo.com.

Morning Whip, 2/23/05

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The Whip Not much going on out there today, as far as I can tell. Some guy reportedly wanted to kill President Bush.

The Supreme Court apparently wants to rule on whether or not Million Dollar Baby is legal.

Look out, here comes Missouri State University.

California is still getting drenched, but apparently relief is in sight. Fortunately, Fox News Channel is breaking away from coverage of Bush in Europe and Michael Jackson to cover the undermining of a runway. Thank heavens for FNC.

Eminent Domain

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Basically, Thomas Sowell has it right:
What "eminent domain" laws mean in practice is that politicians have a right to seize your property and turn it over to someone else, in order to gain campaign contributions and win votes.


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Vital data swiped from thousands in Kansas, Missouri.

It is reported that a company called ChoicePoint (spun off from Equifax) got taken for at least 145,000 sets of personal records. Do you shred all of your old bills and statements? Do you really think that does any good? Are you comfortable living in a society where you have no reasonable expectation of privacy? I don't have any good answers for this, but I don't like it. Don't like it one bit.

Of Winning and Losing

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When it comes to college basketball, I slavishly follow my alma mater, South Dakota State University. My favorite teams also include the Kansas Jayhawks and the Duke Blue Devils. Because of my Snookums, I also now root whole-heartedly for the Tennessee Lady Vols (unless they're playing the Lady Jacks).

South Dakota State University is in the first year of the five year transitional period moving from NCAA's Division II to Division I. A weird thing about the NCAA is that in year one of moving up from D-II to D-I, you count as a D-II opponent for D-I teams, and count as a D-I team against D-II schools. So, basically, nobody wants to schedule you. Next year, year 2 of the transition, you're a D-I "counter" which is good, because the NCAA only allows you to play two non-D-I schools, but year 1 is a real challenge.

SDSU's Lady Jacks are having an excellent year, 20-6 so far, including a 7-5 record against D-I schools, and wins over the likes of Alabama, Kentucky, and Oklahoma State. Pretty heady for a newbie D-I program. SDSU's women have as much talent as they've ever had, and that includes a D-II national champion team a couple of years ago. Some computer ratings have them as high as 56th in the nation, which would put them in the Big Dance for women's basketball (unfortunately, they're not eligible, and won't be for quite a while). Still, not bad at all.

The SDSU men have not had the same experience. Their best player never suited up this year, victim of a mysterious illness, which was variously diagnosed as mono, Lyme disease or the dreaded shrugged shoulder syndrome. Their point guard bailed out and transferred to another D-II school a couple hundred miles east. Another key player, struggling with a foot injury, quit basketball. A sharpshooter signed from junior college (this was the guy who broke Kirk Heinrich's high school scoring records) never made it to campus. And then the season started.

The SDSU men's coach, Scott Nagy, is a good coach. You don't compile a record of 210-59 in nine years by being a bad coach. But moving from D-II to D-I is difficult enough. Nagy put together an extremely challenging schedule this year. Of the 13 D-I schools on this year's schedule (all games on the road, by the way), 10 have winning records.

Did I mention that of the three seniors on the SDSU men's team, they came into this year with ZERO starts between them?

Undermanned, the Jackrabbits were playing a schedule that was probably over their heads. One night, playing D-II Southwest Minnesota State, it happened. The Jacks quit, and got run out of their own arena by a team which had never beaten SDSU before. When you're at the bottom, you can stay there, or you can start working your way out.

The Jacks have been working their way out. Tonight, playing yet another D-I school, Central Florida, SDSU was competitive for the entire game. They finally lost by 10, but Coach Nagy was effusive in praise for his team's effort.

They didn't quit.

Sometimes, not quitting is victory enough.

Million Dollar Baby

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Orson Scott Card says it better than I can, but . . .
I succumbed to the hype (and Snookums' birthday wishes) and went to see Million Dollar Baby. Ugh. One star out of five. There are some amusing moments, but not nearly enough of them. Overall, I came away from the movie feeling unclean. OK, here's the deal. I go to movies to be entertained. I do not enjoy spending two hours watching suffering, a taste of success, and then have everything come crashing down. That's what this movie is, however. Million Dollar Baby is also glacially slow at most points, to the extent that you're sitting there wondering what Clint is trying to do in a particular scene, rather than being fully engaged in the movie.

And, the ending. Oh, the ending. If you don't want to be spoiled, stop reading here.

Spoiler warning.

Last chance.

OK, here's the "surprise" ending. The boxer girl Maggie has finally reached the World Championship match. The current World Champion is the queen of dirty boxers. After the bell rings for round #2, Maggie turns and goes to her corner, is sucker punched by the champ, falls into the upturned stool, and breaks her neck, leaving her a quadraplegic. OK, I'm still with the movie at this point. I'm asking myself, how is Clint going to make this good? Well, the short answer is, Clint doesn't. After forty-five excruciating minutes (but not for the reason Clint wanted, they were just s l o w), Clint decides to send Maggie to the great beyond. Takes off her breathing tube, then squirts her with a syringe full of adrenaline. Then Clint just vanishes. Goes away. That's it. End of movie. Roll the credits. Collect the awards. Feh.

I'm not that worked up about the whole euthanasia thing, really. It's just that this movie is so slow and ham-handed in how it approaches the final coup de injection that all emotional punch is lost well before the final moment. Sorry, critics, this is just bad movie-making. Bad. Bad, do you hear? BAD!

A-B rolls out Budweiser Select nationwide

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A-B rolls out Budweiser Select nationwide
Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. is rolling out its Budweiser Select beer nationwide Monday in response to consumer demand for variety.
Budweiser tries again for the low-carb beer market. Haven't they heard that low-carb is dead? I'm looking forward to trying it . . . maybe it will actually have some taste, unlike Michelob Ultra.