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A note to Democrats I have (or will) offend

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Yes, I hold you and your political party responsible for the current state of this country.

You and your party led the charge for the disastrous "make home ownership more affordable" policies of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the Clinton Administration which was the precipitating cause of the current economic troubles.

You and your party have worked tirelessly to bloat the educational system with bureaucrats and paper-pushers instead of concentrating on the simple yet complex act of transmitting knowledge from teacher to student.

You and your party have turned concern for the Earth's ecosystem (good) into a Holy Crusade to stamp out any impact of human activity on the planet.

You and your party have advocated the welfare-state-at-all-costs mentality which has bankrupted this country.

You and your party have lead the charge to corrupt and undermine all of the institutions of this country, from the Constitution to the Federal Government to the universities to the media, which were supposed to guarantee the freedom and liberty of every individual citizen of the United States.

For that, I hold you responsible.

But wait--I hold the Republicans, and myself for voting for them, responsible for a lot of this as well.

Because far, far too often, Republican politicians have said one thing during elections (freedom! liberty! free markets!) but as soon as they get elected, turn around and become enablers for all of the above Democrat wrecking balls swinging at civil society.

And Republican voters like me let them get away with it, because a lot of us saw the Republicans as the lesser of two evils. I know a lot of Democrats didn't really like their candidates either, but saw them similarly as the lesser of the evils. Different people, different opinions, but the same result.

It is the entire political industry in the U.S.A. that the Tea Party is aiming to replace. The Tea Party movement is at its core a Good Government uprising of the people against an increasingly intrusive government.

It just so happens that in 2010 it is the Republican enablers of the primarily Democratic big-government movement whom the Tea Party movement are coming after this election. This is happening in a political year of immense antipathy towards government in general. And the Democrats control the Congress and the Presidency. But what is happening is NOT a Republican movement.

The Republican enablers of Democrat-sponsored big government are running scared, and are becoming increasingly desperate. That explains why the Republican Senators did not strip Alaska Senator Murkowski of her senority positions, even when she announced she would attempt a write-in campaign against the duly elected Republican candidate for Senate in Alaska.

The point being that the Tea Party insurgency is a revolt against intrusive government, not against just Obama, or just the Republicans, or just the Democrats. It's a revolt against the entire corrupt, obnoxious, officious, increasingly oppressive government which is opposed to every political principle upon which the United States of America was founded.

So, friend Democrat, where do you stand? Are you with the "Progressives?" With the technocrats? With the authoritarians? With the busybodies? With the bureaucrats? With the social engineers? With the socialists? With the Gramscians? With the Marxists? With the Maoists who have been, and are currently in the Obama Administration?

Or, are you ready to consider another choice?

Come back to American values. Reassert your American citizenship based on American values.

Come back to us.

Join your fellow citizens. Help us clean up our political mess--clean up our financial mess--clean up our educational mess--clean up our intellectual mess--clean up our country.

Embrace freedom. Embrace liberty. Embrace the beautiful chaos of a vibrant free economy under a rule of law which does not tilt the balance towards the rich, or towards the poor, or towards the powerful, or towards the well-connected. Justice, impartially delivered to rich and poor and strong and weak. We have strayed far from that today in this country--very, very far. Help your neighbors bring this country back to that vision.

Join us.

None of us have lived up to the promise of America's founders. But the promise is still there.

All will be forgiven--if you give up your dreams of power and glory. Give up your unrealistic visions of equality of outcome, of collective salvation, of redistribution of wealth. There is no path to those visions which does not end in utter carnage.

Embrace freedom--not just for yourself but for everyone else. Embrace the freedom to succeed, and embrace the freedom to fail.

Join us, today. Take another look at what Tea Party-backed candidates are REALLY saying--not what MSNBC, CNN, or the other networks are telling you they are saying. Actually read what Sarah Palin writes, not what the newspapers report. You will find something very disturbing.

You are being lied to. Lies of omission, mostly, but lies of commission as well.

Stop believing the lies. Join us and help us re-establish truth as the foundation of American political culture.

Democrat = Censorship

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Censorship of the Internet Takes Center Stage in "Online Infringement" Bill
Senator Patrick Leahy yesterday introduced the "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act" (COICA).
. . .
This is a censorship bill that runs roughshod over freedom of speech on the Internet. Free speech is vitally important to democracy, which is why the government is restricted from suppressing speech except in very specific, narrowly-tailored situations. But this bill is the polar opposite of narrow — not only in the broad way that it tries to define a site "dedicated to infringing activities," but also in the solution that it tries to impose — a block on a whole domain, and not just the infringing part of the site.

The step from where the Democratic Party is now to where continental Europe found itself in the 1930's is not very far at all. The European politicians of that era (inspired, by the way, by the American Progressives like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson) thought they knew all the answers, and knew better than anybody else how to make life better for everybody, too. And if a few eggs had to be broken to make a better omelette, well then that was the price that we all had to pay, wasn't it?

This could end quite badly indeed.

Moron, The Clown Congress

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Isn't it nice to know that the current, 111th Congress, has earned a name? Not many Congresses have aspired to a label. Most of them have been content with a number. Of course, we had the original ones, the Continental Congresses, which formed the United States of America in the first place. Few others, even the momentous post-Civil War Reconstruction Congresses, the Progressive Congresses before the First World War, the New Deal Congresses of the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights/Vietnam War Congresses of the 1960's did not really coalesce around a single identity which could be described with a single name.

But the Congress elected with Obama in 2008?

The Clown Congress.

Unable to govern, the Democrats turn to Stephen Colbert

A Congress Of, By, and For Clowns.

Let's throw the Clowns out this November, what do you say?

Here's how Democrats steal elections

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The Democrats can't win this year--that is, not if they play by the rules. But it should be obvious to every single person in this country by now that for Democrats, rules are for Other People. They do Whatever It Takes to win.

This means that they'll betray the very name of their party in their unquenchable lust for power. Here's how:

Allow (allegedly) illegal aliens to vote, and have an (allegedly) corrupt judge cover for them when they get sued.

Commit blatant, race-based voter intimidation, then have a corrupt U.S. Justice Department cover for them.

Stuff the voter rolls in Texas (and, in fact, throughout the country) to the extent that there are jurisdictions that have more registered "voters" than there are people living there--and then have those phantom voters vote as necessary, for Democrats.

Just stuff the ballot boxes.

And if it isn't the rampant Democrat election corruption, it's their amoral, cynical political tactics, from utterly untrue political ads that go completely unchallenged by the Media-Government Complex to planting provocateurs at events and running false-flag operations like the laughable attempt to hijack the "tea party" name in Michigan. The list goes on and on.

And no, everybody does NOT do it.

If you're registered Democrat, or if you vote for a Democrat, go into your bathroom, take a good long look in the mirror.

What you will be looking at is the face of corruption.

Yes, you.

What do you plan to do about it? When do you plan to bring your own political party under control?

Republicans are trying to do it, largely through the tea parties. (Yes, THAT is what the tea parties are about. Not racism. Stop getting your talking points from MSNBC or CNN.)

Take control of your own party, or be prepared for what comes next, because I guarantee it will not be pretty, or comfortable for anybody if this goes on much longer. That's not a threat. It's a nightmare.

Wake up.

The 2010 - 14-Day Alaskan Adventurer Cruise, Main Page

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This is the front page for our journal of our Alaska cruise on Holland America's ms Amsterdam from August 22 through September 6, 2010.

Here are the individual posts, collected all in one handy location for your reading pleasure. As we travel, we'll be adding posts so you can follow our journeys.

(Click the Read More to see all the post links . . .)

The 2010 - 14-Day Alaskan Adventurer Cruise, Part 9

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The 14-Day Alaskan Adventurer Cruise, August 22-September 6, 2010, Holland America Amsterdam

Text by Snookums, Pictures by Filbert

Part Nine

(Remember to click "read more" if you're looking at this from the main medary.com page to get the whole article!)

September 3 (Friday, Day 13, Juneau, Alaska, continued) -

Baked Alaska

Snookums, Filbert, Charlotte and Gary ate in the dining room in order to enjoy the Master Chef’s Dinner. It started 15 minutes earlier than our normal dining time and the waiters sang, danced and juggled. Everyone received the same first two courses and we had to choose our appetizer, soup and entrée. Everyone got baked Alaska for dessert and that was paraded around the dining room. It was a fun time and even Filbert, who hates the parade of waiters that occur on some cruises, enjoyed the dinner.

More after the jump . . .

The Clown Congress has found its true Speaker

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Stephen Colbert:

Do you really need any more proof that the morons wandering the halls of the U.S. Capitol are completely unable to distinguish reality from TV comedy shows?

Unemployment, war, health insurance--they're all the same to these yahoos. Jokes. Punch-lines. Schticks to separate the cash from the rubes.

Are you tired of being a rube yet?

In the coming election--vote for the adult. Vote for the person who wants to solve problems, not demagogue and blame The Rich or whoever. The spending orgy is over. The hangover is about to kick in.

Hangovers suck. But you don't cure them by having another drink.

The 2010 - 14-Day Alaskan Adventurer Cruise, Part 8

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The 14-Day Alaskan Adventurer Cruise, August 22-September 6, 2010, Holland America Amsterdam

Text by Snookums, Pictures by Filbert

Part Eight

(Remember to click "read more" if you're looking at this from the main medary.com page to get the whole article!)

September 3 (Friday, Day 13, Juneau, Alaska) -

Morning in Juneau

Judy, Snookums and Filbert met at 8:15 in order to go on the Whale Quest and Mendenhall Glacier tour. We took a 20-minute bus ride to Auke Bay and drove by Wal-Mart and also had an excellent sneak peak of Mendenhall Glacier which was stunning. 40,000 people live in Juneau and most of them are government employees since it is the state capitol of Alaska. Juneau is accessible only by airplanes or boats. No roads lead to Juneau.

More after the jump . . .