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The Whip

Morning Whip, Feb. 23, 2010

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I had a chest/head cold the past couple of days, so I decided to blow off the Whip. Sorry about that. I"m better now. Coughing up a lung right now, but that's probably TMI, isn't it.

Morning Whip, Feb. 20, 2010

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This is Red Alert stuff, right here: Only 21% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed.
just 21% of voters nationwide believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% disagree and say the government does not have the necessary consent. Eighteen percent (18%) of voters are not sure.

However, 63% of the Political Class think the government has the consent of the governed, but only six percent (6%) of those with Mainstream views agree.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of all voters now view the federal government as a special interest group, and 70% believe that the government and big business typically work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors.

. . .
Nearly half of all voters believe that people randomly selected from the phone book could do as good a job as the current Congress.

This scares the hell out of me. It ought to scare the hell out of the "political class." They have become dangerously out of touch with the people who hold the ultimate power in the United States. They are in imminent danger of making dreadful, terrible mistakes. This is how people in power cause real, honest-to-God, bullets-in-the-air revolutions. The people don't cause revolutions. Idiots in power cause revolutions, by pushing the people past what they're willing to tolerate from their "leaders." That's basically what the Declaration of Independence is all about. We don't have "leaders" in this country. We have "representatives." There's a big difference--one which I am very afraid Barack Obama, in his . . . unorthodox upbringing and subsequent education and political career, has never learned. I would be delighted if he would prove me wrong.

It might be a really, really, really good idea for every single person in the "political class" in Washington (and in the misguided "mainstream" media) to sit down, shut up, and listen to what the majority of the people in this country are saying. Listen, and understand. Before somebody (in power) does something really, really, really stupid. (As opposed to the normal, run-of-the-mill stupidity we've become accustomed to from our politicians since the founding of the Republic . . . )

This is not politics as usual. This is people's lives, fortunes, and sacred honors (to recall another chilling phrase from the Declaration). The "political class" willrelent, or this could get very, very ugly indeed.

The New Deal party of "progressive" socialism is over in the United States. What comes next will either be painful, if we're lucky and smart, or it will be horrific, if we're not. The "political class" needs to focus on not making it worse. And "the hair of the dog" never works.

Morning Whip, Feb. 19, 2010

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Today, a number of not-totally-random comments:

It is NOT a virtue to be generous with other people's money.

Glenn Beck has somehow, against all odds, transformed himself into that college professor that everybody in the freshman class wants to take a class from, because he's that rare combination of informative and entertaining. In my case, that college course was "Marriage And Society," taught by the guy who eventually became the president of the university. Everybody took that course. I'm just saying . . .

The element of Tea-Partyness that I most closely align with is the Counterattack Of The Libertarians. Thank you very much.

Morning Whip, Feb. 18, 2010

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A definite lack of Words lately. Words apparently fail me.

I'm sorry about that.

Morning Whip, Feb. 17, 2010

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This might be a big 'un, link-wise. I'm staring at 669 articles on my Google Reader screen right now.
Meanwhile, Give Michael Yon money. You will not be sorry. You will, in fact, be better for it--better informed, at the very least. He is doing the dirty, nasty, tedious, honest, tell-it-like-it-is, day-to-day reporting work in Afghanistan that the major "news" organizations just can't seem to bring themselves to do.

Morning Whip, Feb. 15, 2010

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Semi-snowed in in South Dakota. Snug in the hotel last night, surfing the web and trying not to watch the Winter Olympics. It was a hot cocoa sort of night.
And oops . . . pre-scheduled this to post . . . tomorrow. That would have been awkward. Oops, again.

Morning Whip, Feb. 13, 2010

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According to the Beatles, the Word was love. But that's probably supposed to be tomorrow. Oh, well.

Morning Whip, Feb. 12, 2010

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Western Illinois 64, Oral Roberts 62. "That's why they play the games."