Morning Whip, Feb. 11, 2010
- Thursday, February 11 2010 @ 05:10 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,898
I don't hate Democrats, leftists, collectivists, progressives, totalitarians (OK, I might easily be persuaded to hate the last one). I just think they fundamentally misunderstand the universe--and human nature. Leftists believe that it is possible to competently "plan" anything as large as a national economy.
But the fact is that human assumptions are always faulty. Mine are. Yours are. Everybody's assumptions are flawed--incomplete, at best--to a greater or lesser extent. The difference is, There are among us those who possess the arrogance of thinking that their assumptions should guide anything bigger than their own lives. This invites failure--in fact, it guarantees it. Reality is always bigger, more complex, more diverse, more chaotic than any human intellectual structure can totally interpret and model. Error is part of the human condition.
Leftists generally consider this a bug in the universe, and design elaborate social and governmental structures to eliminate error. Those on the "right" considers it a feature, and design simple social and governmental structures to accommodate the inevitable errors that occur.
Complex governmental and social solutions fail. Sooner or later, they fail. Simple governmental and social solutions are resistant to failure. That's how the universe works--in spite of how earnestly well-meaning people want the universe to work differently. This is why socialism always--ALWAYS fails, sooner or later. But this is why socialism always comes back, with a different name (progressivism, communism, fascism, "liberalism," communitarianism, "compassionate conservatism," etc.), with a slightly changed argument, throughout human history. Socialism, total or partial, by whatever name, is a seductive, attractive, beguiling idea that is based on a flawed assumption. It just won't work, no matter how good, reasonable, and good the people are who try to implement it.
It just won't work.