Morning Whip, Jan. 20, 2010
- Wednesday, January 20 2010 @ 08:38 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,501
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Big Stories:
1.1: The Day After: A Republican wins a Senate seat in deep-blue Democratic Massachusetts:
Inside the mind of a key Coakley supporter
Thinking about the unthinkable, Part Four
Massachusetts Election Refutes Weak Tea Conservatism
Slowing Brown Down (If He Wins) -- The firecracker has been lit. Are the Democrats smart enough to let go of it, or will they try to hold on even tighter and hope the fuse will go out?
Why Is This Woman Handing Out Absentee Ballots?-- Democrats cheat and steal elections--at least they try to. Repeatedly. Consistently. All over the country. The Brown tidal wave hit them before their vote fraud machinery could be properly set up.
A Raw Deal in Massachusetts
RNC: 100% as Evil But Only 50% as Stupid -- GOP Shifted Money Into Massachusett[e]s Quietly To GOTV While Not Painting a Red Target on Brown's Back
More Democrat Voter Fraud Tactics Exposed
Oh, My: Frank Luntz Having Trouble Filling His Post-Election Focus-Groups With Coakley Voters: ">I never dreamed I’d see Democrats in Massachusetts embarrassed to admit they’re Democrats"
Blue Dog Barks: Even Bayh Warns Dem’s of Catastrophe If Today’s Lessons Ignored
Dead can dance
Busted. Dem Coakley Alleges Voter Fraud in Press Release… Prepared on Monday -- No wonder she lost. She couldn't even cheat right.
The 2nd Boston Tea Party Rocks The US: Scott Brown wins!
COAKLEY CONCEDES -- "And there was much rejoicing." "Yay."
Where do they go from here?
Mr. Brown Goes to Washington... In a Pick-up Truck, No Less! -- The 'Cuda weighs in . . .
The House Is Very Much In Play
Liberty 1, Tyranny 0 After Brown’s Big Win
After Brown….A Call to Arms!
Dems Assemble Circular Firing Squad Over Coakley Loss; Freedom Left Intact – For Now
Happy Anniversary Mr. President!
And, this here is, for the moment, the last word: NEXT.
This message goes out to every vulnerable Democratic Congressman representing a Republican or even centrist district – and after tonight, who among you is not vulnerable? It is a simple message: we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The easy way is, you suddenly decide that you have a burning desire to spend more time with your families. So you don’t run for re-election, you walk off stage technically undefeated, and you go join a lobbying firm. The hard way is, you do run for re-election, and we pry you out of your seats.
We want to do this the hard way. We will enjoy doing it.
That’s your only warning. And remember: nobody is going to be able to save you. If the President, the DSCC, the DCCC, the DNC, the SEIU, ACORN, and the netroots couldn’t manage a win in Massachusetts… what do you think that they can do for you?
More after the "Read More" . . .