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The Whip

Morning Whip, August 23, 2005

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  • Views: 1,824
The Whip #10: Drug reverses sleep deprivation in monkeys
#9: Official Beer of the NFL up for grabs
#8: Sprint Arena design finalized
#7: Tom Liston tees off on "Antivirus Gold" malware among other things
#6: Israel worried about armed settlers
#5: The Vietnam Syndrome
#4: Back in Iraq
#3: Europe calls off Iran nuke talks
#2: Iraqi Sunnis get U.S. support
#1: The proposed Iraqi constitution

Best of the Morning Whip--July 31-August 6, 2005

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  • Views: 1,787
The Whip The Whip is taking a break and will return Monday, Aug. 21.

Until then, enjoy the Best of the Whip from the week of July 31-August 6, 2005:

#10: Terry Pratchett v. J.K. Rowling
#9: Army sergeant elected Sheik in Iraq
#8: Russia revokes ABC TV's accreditation
#7: Mommy, there's a python under our dishwasher
#6: Bolton finds your lack of faith . . . disturbing
#5: Don't believe everything you see on the Internet
#4: One blog created every second
#3: Iran smuggling roadside bombs into Iraq
#2: NCAA bans "offensive" nicknames from post-season
#1: Job growth "unexpectedly strong"

Best of the Morning Whip--July 24-30, 2005

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  • Views: 2,764
The Whip The Whip is taking a break and will return Monday, Aug. 21.

Until then, enjoy the Best of the Whip from the week of July 24-30, 2005:

#10: Noodling: "You just get a fever for it"
#9: We're gonna die (in 2036)--Asteroid strike
#8: "They make us look like idiots. We're not idiots."
#7: Royals 6, White Sox 5
#6: The Spaceship Company founded
#5: Media criticized, screech like stuck pigs
#4: Are YOU the office jerk?
#3: Vice edges virtue where profit is at stake
#2: Bolton to get recess appointment
#1: Kelo fallout roundup

Morning Whip, August 18, 2005

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  • Views: 1,828
The Whip The Whip will be taking a few days off, but will return Monday, August 21st.

#10: Pentagon's even-handed China review
#9: The 747 isn't dead yet
#8: Milky Way: bar galaxy
#7: New idea for the Middle Border: African savanna
#6: SDSU gets new scoreboards
#5: A different strategy for Iran
#4: Out of the mouths of soldiers
#3: Royals: Eighteen
#2: NCAA buys NIT tournaments
#1: Half of all Mexicans want to emigrate to U.S.

Morning Whip, August 17, 2005

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  • Views: 1,688
The Whip #10: The pass-out "game"
#9: Mariners 4, Royals 3
#8: SDSU women's basketball team #2 in GPA
#7: The Virginia iBook riot
#6: OK, I missed The Worm
#5: Are gas prices really at "record highs?"
#4: Folsom Prison terror cell
#3: North Korean news agency--they're so ronrey
#2: Able Danger: Army officer confirms lawyers blocked military from informing FBI
#1: State Governors declare border emergency

Morning Whip, August 16, 2005

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  • Views: 1,694
The Whip #10: Is no pain killer safe?
#9: Mariners 11, Royals 3
#8: Sprint Center hole gets bids
#7: Virgin Galactic gets U.S. OK
#6: Western rights vs. Islam
#5: blogrolling.com banned in Iran
#4: Reporters cower before Mexican drug lords
#3: The President Who Can't Say No
#2: Another State judge appoints himself Education King
#1: Kelo decision aftermath: time for a new Tea Party?

Morning Whip, August 13, 2005

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  • Views: 1,723
The Whip #10: The Conference Map Project
#9: Royals World Series Party rained out
#8: SDSU women's basketball schedule is out
#7: Tennessee women's basketball schedule is out
#6: Delta edges closer to bankruptcy
#5: Sole flying U.S. Constellation blows engine, may not fly again
#4: BAC 0.08 is unconstitutional
#3: Hamas to Israel: Thanks for Gaza, we'll keep killing you
#2: Iraqis say they'll meet constitution deadline
#1: Iran "astonished" by unanimous nuke vote