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The Whip

Morning Whip, August 12, 2005

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The Whip #10: Royals lose 13th in a row, break team record
#9: The Blair Crackdown
#8: British attack on terror websites overstated
#7: News Flash: Some Internet News Is Fake
#6: Getting a handle on the warbloggers
#5: Supersize THIS!
#4: NCAA backpedals on Indian name ban
#3: A reminder for Mrs. Sheehan
#2: Family splits with Cindy Sheehan
#1: Able Danger: The 9/11 Commission Scandal

Morning Whip, August 9, 2005

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The Whip #10: Shuttle: Californee is the place you oughta be
#9: The role of Islam in Iraq
#8: Terror alert: Saudi Arabia
#7: Good economy evidence: Fed raising rates
#6: San Quentin Riot
#5: Pentagon plans terror response
#4: Cultures aren't equal
#3: Hillary Clinton: A Divider, not a Uniter
#2: UN officer pleads gulity in Oil-For-Food
#1: Iran has 4,000 uranium-processing centrifuges

Morning Whip, August 6, 2005

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  • Views: 1,986
The Whip The Whip may for the next couple of days be a bit tardy and/or skimpy, as we're entertaining company here at the Palatial Abode.

#10: NCAA bans "offensive" nicknames from post-season
#9: A's 5, Royals 4
#8: The National. Football. League. begins pre-season play
#7: Blog Taxonomies
#6: Shuttle undocks from space station
#5: Lawyer accused of Internet soliciting of minor is charged again
#4: Job growth "unexpectedly strong"
#3: Blair gets tough on terror
#2: Operation Quick Strike
#1: Russian submarine update

Morning Whip, August 5, 2005

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  • Views: 1,459
The Whip Now with links that work!

#10: Shuttle to come back on Monday
#9: Red Sox 8, Royals 5
#8: Kansas Jayhawks men's basketball schedule released
#7: Rehnquist hospitalized again
#6: Judge rules against pedophilia sting
#5: Russian submarine in trouble
#4: One blog created every second
#3: Syria, Iran get warnings from U.S.
#2: Kelo backlash: Missouri mulls eminent domain
#1: Iran smuggling roadside bombs into Iraq

Morning Whip, August 4, 2005

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  • Views: 1,410
The Whip #10: Mommy, there's a python under our dishwasher
#9: A day in network security
#8: Bolton finds your lack of faith . . . disturbing
#7: Mozilla goes corporate
#6: Red Sox 8, Royals 5
#5: NASA finally realizes the Space Shuttle is an X-plane
#4: Beta blockers may suppress memory
#3: The gloating of the blogosphere
#2: Koreans clone dog
#1: Don't believe everything you see on the Internet