No thanks, John, you've done enough
- Friday, October 02 2009 @ 09:11 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,175
Fresh from a humbling loss in last year’s presidential election, Sen. John McCain is working behind-the-scenes to reshape the Republican Party in his own center-right image.
McCain is recruiting candidates, raising money for them and hitting the campaign trail on their behalf. He’s taken sides in competitive House, Senate and gubernatorial primaries and introduced his preferred candidates to his top donors.
I held my nose and voted for you last November, for all the good it did, John. You have not convinced me you actually understand the fundamental concepts of liberty and republican government, and I will never again compromise that fundamental requirement for a Presidential candidate. You have proved yourself to be far too willing to compromise my liberty for your own ends. I still remember McCain-Feingold, John. I voted for you despite that. That was a mistake.
The only good thing you did in the entire campaign was bring up Sarah Palin to be your running mate. I think that, unlike you, John, Palin understands liberty and republican government. You, John, gave us the current cult of personality that's systematically taking this country apart and re-assembling it in the image of the worst of the European democratic-socialist model.
I am sure that wasn't your intent, John, but unlike a Democrat, I judge people on results, not on intent.