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Tipping points

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Why is it that the same people who obsessively worry about the Earth's climate reaching a catastrophic "tipping point" because of excessive carbon dioxide emissions have no worry whatsoever about the U.S. (or world) economy reaching a catastrophic "tipping point" because of excessive government spending?

Friday Night Link Dump

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OK, over the past two days there's been such a blizzard of stuff coming out that I can't keep up. So, in the tradition of Presidents of both parties, I offer tonight the Friday Night Link Dump, wherein I just throw a bunch of stuff out there, on a Friday night, when it's nearly certain that nobody will actually take notice.

I might or might not come back to some of these things and comment further. But dang, things are happening too fast for mortal humans to keep track of. This does not argue well for the kind of centrally planned economy the Democrats lust for.

Here's the Link Dump in summary. Click on each individual Link Dump to go to . . . that Link Dump. See how easy it is?

Friday Night Link Dump: Democrat-Socialists Gone Wild
Friday Night Link Dump: Democrat-Socialists Gone Wild (Health Care Special)
Friday Night Link Dump: America vs. ACORN
Friday Night Link Dump: The theory and practice of liberty
Friday Night Link Dump: Sarah Palin
Friday Night Link Dump: General Science
Friday Night Link Dump: Manufacturing Crises
Friday Night Link Dump: Global Climate Cooling Warming Change We're All Gonna Die Everybody Panic And Give Al Gore Money
Friday Night Link Dump: Odd, Strange, and Weird

Friday Night Link Dump: Democrat-Socialists Gone Wild (Health Care Special)

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"Gag Orders" in the Medicare Debate and "Soft Tyranny"
This Is Why Obama’s Health Care Support Continues To Erode
Sorry, O: It Is a Tax
Obama’s contempt for the First Amendment
Gag Me
Obama Losing Youth on Health Care
The Medicare Raid in Baucus Bill
How the Baucus Bill Kills Jobs
Obamacare Puts Transparency and Accountability on Death Bed

Friday Night Link Dump: Global Climate Cooling Warming Change We're All Gonna Die Everybody Panic And Give Al Gore Money

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Taking a bite out of climate data
The Dog Ate Global Warming
Unreal: Cap-and-trade will kill the housing industry
No Data, No Science
Environmentalists Seek to Wipe Out Plush Toilet Paper
Global Warming “Science” v. The Scientific Method
If You’re Paul Krugman, It’s Easy Lying About Cap and Trade

Friday Night Link Dump: Democrat-Socialists Gone Wild

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Beware the Stalin in progressive hearts
John Stossel: The Truth About Media Bias
NYT: We Don’t Deserve First Amendment Protection!
Primate jokes
Canadian News Fact Check Michael Moore's Anti-Capitalist Movie
Victor Davis Hanson: 'How many people in America want to be called a racist?'
Unreal: Cap-and-trade will kill the housing industry
Anderson book blows Ayers cover
Earn Big $$$ The NEA Way!
The Video Is Creepy, But the Public-Schooling Song Remains the Same
He Helped Write A Book
Environmentalists Seek to Wipe Out Plush Toilet Paper
Why does Eric Holder keep attacking the CIA and other law enforcement when Muslims keep trying to blow things up in the US?
Czar wants parallel government broadcasting system
Sliming Conservatives: A Short History
Tut-tutting about "violence" at protests
Jack Cashill responds to suggestions by a “progressive” academic that he is Chris Andersen’s source
CRS (Congressional Research Service): Zelaya arrest lawful
Democratic marketing plan goes surprisingly … poorly
Punting National Security To The Judiciary
If You’re Paul Krugman, It’s Easy Lying About Cap and Trade
Politicizing National Security
It’s the Saul Alinsky Comedy Show!

Oh, but that's not all! Don't miss the Friday Night Link Dump: Democrat-Socialists Gone Wild (Health Care Special)