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Thought For The Day

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
The distinguishing characteristic of American civilization is the subordination of centralized power in behalf of individual liberty.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Only one form of government can nurture liberty, and that is personal self-government.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Exalting the State is steadily to augment its physical power at the expense of Society. The more that power can be concentrated, the more perfect the State becomes as an instrumentality of suppression in the hands of those who believe in suppression…

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
The American theory is that every man has within him the potential to make a significant contribution of some kind to human welfare. Therefore every minority…must be protected against the ever-possible tyranny of mass opinion.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Encroachment on the rights of others is not prevented by withdrawing the power to encroach from individual hands and vesting it in government bureaus.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
The American tradition is of course completely opposed to authoritarian government … The American conviction is that the 'Safety and Happiness' of the governed takes precedence over every governmental prerogative and that deference is not necessarily owing to those temporarily in a position of political command.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
As State controls become more plausible, more far-reaching and more effective, the tendency of democracy is to succumb to the demagogue becomes ever more pronounced.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Remember that true liberalism insists on protecting the individual from tyranny of every variety, and that tyrannies are almost always imposed…by democratic means.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
A person who maintains that the State should solve, by necessarily coercive methods, any problem that individuals are capable of solving voluntarily, is…the very opposite of a liberal. The essence of tyranny is reliance on external, as opposed to internal, compulsion.

Thought for the day

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From the book Power in the People by Felix Morley, as linked by Gary Galles at the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
State power, no matter how well disguised by seductive words, is in the last analysis always coercive physical power…As we come to recognize that the State is the repository of coercive power, and by its nature works ceaselessly to enlarge that power, much that seems shameful and senseless in the world today becomes intelligible…