Welcome to Medary.com Saturday, February 22 2025 @ 02:31 PM CST

Medary.com site news

Changes to the Links

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I've spent most of today moving my Big Page O'Links over to the shiny new Web Resources page, and loading in a bunch more links.

Wander over to Web Resources (it's up at the top of the page just above the blue header bar) and check it out. I think you'll like the improved categorization.

Next up is looking into increasing the number of links displayed on each page from 10 to something more reasonable, but that may take some time.

The New Medary.com

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As you can see, we're out with the old and in with the new at Medary.com. I'll continue to tweak and play for some time, but I'm pretty happy with the overall layout.

I'm not sure I like the sans-serif font type for the main entries (I tend to think serif fonts like Times Roman are easier to read) but we'll see what kind of response I get.

Anyway, comment on this article to let me know what you think.

Goodbye, Greymatter

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This weekend, Medary.com will say goodbye to the Greymatter content/blogging system and introduce a brand new look to the site.

I've got the new Geeklog software configured to the point where I can start converting our site content, then finish up with some of the other stuff (like figuring out how to display the Google advertising bar and the Amazon donation button). It's a bit awkward as I'm doing some fiddling and fudging between the two sites on the same server, and can't have them both available on the web at the same time without doing things I don't want to do.

The current bulletin board will go away, and it looks like the links page will be transformed as well. Both are actually OK, as the bulletin board wasn't going anywhere, and I was never particularly happy with the links page. The new software actually has some combined blog/bulletin board function, so I think that will overall be an improvement. Downside is those of you who registered on the bulletin board will need to re-register on the site once the migration is complete.

So, coming to a Web near you, Medary.com v2.0.

Under Construction

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From time to time over the next few days you might see something different when you visit Medary.com. I've installed the Geeklog blogging software to replace my current Greymatter software, which is really kind of obsolete and no longer actively supported.

From time to time I'll be activating the Geeklog system for configuration and testing purposes. My hope is to replicate the basic look and feel of the current Greymatter-based Medary.com interface in the new Geeklog system. All part of the service you get from Medary.com--Feel free to click on the donation button over there to the right if you're finding this site entertaining and/or informative.

Apologies for any interruptions you may see, and thanks for visiting Medary.com.

What's a Medary?

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The settlement of Medary was one of the first white settlements in what is now South Dakota. In 1869, a permanent settlement was founded on the Big Sioux River, and named after the third and last Territorial governor of Minnesota, Samuel Medary, whose son, Samuel Medary, Jr. accompanied the party as engineer and surveyor.

When the railroad came through in 1879, Medary was bypassed to the north by about 4 miles south. The town didn't immediately pick up and move to the railhead at Brookings, but over the years dwindled away.

Today, the southern edge of Brookings is now within a mile or two of the old Medary town site. Medary Avenue in Brookings runs north and south, and bisects the South Dakota State University campus. Medary Commons is on the SDSU campus, and Medary Elementary School is just off Medary Avenue.

Brookings County History
Brookings Tourist Information
The Town of Medary
Pre-Territorial History of Dakota Territory