Wisconsin Vote Fraud

Approximately 4,500 more ballots were cast than were registered voters in the Presidential election last November in Milwaukee.

The mainstream media awakens from their slumber:

Washington Post: Possible Voter Fraud Found in Milwaukee[*1]
San Francisco Chronicle: Investigators Find Evidence of Voter Fraud[*2]
Oshkosh Northwestern (editorial): Doyle losing more ground on ballot fraud problems[*3]
Indianapolis Star (editorial): Show your ID and avoid this mess[*4]

Powerline is more blunt: Was Wisconsin Stolen?[*5]

So, in the face of this as well as the ongoing Washington State gubernatorial controversy, why is the ironically named Democratic Party opposing the common-sense solution of presenting identification before being allowed to vote?

P.S. Anybody remember the incident where twenty (20!) Republican get-out-the-vote vans had their tires slashed[*6] the night before the election? “Isolated incident,” the Democratic machine leaders say, “nothing to see here, no conspiracy.”

Yeah, right.

P.P.S It will be amusing now to see the Google ads (over to the left) go nuts with bash-Bush pro-Democrat ads, now that I’ve posted an article which dares to use the D-word three times in a single article. Sheesh.