Contributed by: filbert Tuesday, July 05 2005 @ 11:54 AM CST

No fingers were blown off or eyes put out in the making of this video.
News. Sports. Fun. Life
Contributed by: filbert Tuesday, July 05 2005 @ 11:54 AM CST
No fingers were blown off or eyes put out in the making of this video.
Contributed by: filbert Monday, July 04 2005 @ 05:03 PM CST
Two New York teenagers were charged yesterday with murdering a 15-year-old boy for an iPod, the first fatality in a rising tide of similar attacks.
Wonderful. Maybe I can disguise it as a clunky, bulky old Walkman cassette player or something.
Contributed by: filbert Monday, July 04 2005 @ 04:49 PM CST
“Little by little, we came to discover we were really on planet bin Laden,” he wrote in Le Figaro. “For them [the terrorists], France is the West, it’s a global vision, it’s the infidel West against the Muslim world.”
Via OpinionJournal[*1] .