Contributed by: filbert Tuesday, February 27 2007 @ 02:23 PM CST
So, in honor of the Democrats’ craven spineless opportunistic policies on, well, everything, I dub this little stock market move:
The Pelosi Plunge.
UPDATE: So, what’s happening? Apparently, the trouble started in the Shanghai market, over concerns that the Chinese government will hit the brakes by raising interest rates and/or reducing the money supply in China. That was the first domino to fall.
What’s curious is the 200-point drop in the U.S. markets at 3 pm EST. Somebody kicked in a bigtime sell program. Who, and why, we’re yet to find out.
UPDATE 2: Apparently, the 200-point drop was due to Dow Jones’ computers melting down due to the volume of trades. Probably no conspiracy theory there.