Contributed by: filbert Friday, March 30 2007 @ 09:23 AM CST
$24 million for funding for sugar beets.[*1]
$3 million for funding for sugar cane (goes to one Hawaiian co-op).[*2]
$20 million for insect infestation damage reimbursements in Nevada, Idaho, and Utah.[*3]
$2.1 billion for crop production losses.[*4]
$1.5 billion for livestock production losses.
$100 million for Dairy Production Losses.
$13 million for Ewe Lamb Replacement and Retention Program.[*6]
$32 million for Livestock Indemnity Program.[*7]
$40 million for the Tree Assistance Program.[*8]
$100 million for Small Agricultural Dependent Businesses.[*9]
$6 million for North Dakota flooded crop land.[*10]
$35 million for emergency conservation program.[*11]
$50 million for the emergency watershed program.
$115 million for the conservation security program.[*12]
$18 million for drought assistance in upper Great Plains/South West.[*13]
$425 million for education grants for rural areas – (Secure Rural Schools program).[*17]
$25 million for asbestos abatement at the Capitol Power Plant.[*18]
$388.9 million for funding for backlog of old Department of Transportation projects.[*19]
$22.8 million for geothermal research and development.[*20]
$500 million for wildland fire management.[*21]
$13 million for mine safety technology research.[*22]
$31 million for one month extension of Milk Income Loss Contract program (MILC)[*5]
$50 million for fisheries disaster mitigation fund.[*23]
$100 million for security at the Presidential Candidate Nominating Conventions[*15]
$2 million for the University of Vermont[*24]
So much for “principled opposition to” blah blah blah blather blather blather.
Sooeeee! Pig!!!! Let the pork roll, boys, the Dems are back in power! Too bad the damn thing will get vetoed.