Contributed by: filbert Wednesday, January 23 2008 @ 01:31 PM CST
Erick Turner, of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, and others examined data on antidepressants submitted to the Food and Drug Administration over a 15-year period. They found that only studies yielding positive results were likely to appear in the medical literature. Thirty-seven of 38 favorable trials had been published. By contrast, of 36 studies with negative or ambiguous findings, 22 were never published, and 11 were published with a deceptively favorable spin[*2] . As a result, 94 percent of the published studies supported the efficacy of antidepressants, even though only about half the total trials had found that the medications help.
via ScienceBlog[*3]
It’s almost as if people have agendas. Can you believe it?