Morning Whip, Jan. 7, 2010

A mega-whip this morning–playing catchup after doing a bit of traveling over the past week. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is really, really way, way, too many articles. I really need to cut back. Or the world needs to slow down. Neither is, sadly, likely to happen.

2009, 2010, the 2000’s, and the 2010’s:
The 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes Of 2009 [*1] — “30) ‘If I’m corrupt, it’s because I take care of my district.’ — John Murtha”
In America’s next decade, change and challenges [*2]
American Thinker’s First Six Years [*3]
SFFWorld’s SF Review of 2009 [*4]
Have hope for changing minds. [*5]
The biggest stories of the year? [*6]

Full-body scanners to be put in British airports [*7] — with an update below . . .
US Institutes Profiling At Overseas Airports [*8]
Carl’s Cruse Capers and Travel Tips [*9] — more new posts . . . [*10]
Privacy concerns likely to impede body scanners in Britain [*11]
Best Cruises for Fitness [*12]
“Explosive” at California airport found to be honey [*13]
Luxury Cruise Pricing Goes (Almost) All-Inclusive [*14]
5 Trends that will impact your cruise choices in 2010 [*15]
The Naked Truth About Airport Scanners [*16]

Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Tea Party 2010: Revolution Brewing? Or Is That Some Weak Tea? [*17]
The Contradiction of Being Republican [*18]
Could Democrats capture Tea Party fever? [*19]
For Tea Parties, Bigger Is Not Better [*20]
Whole Foods CEO: From Health Care to Climate Change [*21]
Defending the future from its enemies [*22] — Bill Whittle (a video, very good!)
The man behind shakes up the Republican Party [*23]
A Brief 2010 Republican Midterm Platform [*24]
Confessions of an American Thinker Moderator [*25]
The Surprising Popularity of the Non-Existent Tea Party [*26]
KC Fed’s Hoenig: Address “too big to fail” [*27] == “‘In an effective capitalistic system, you have to allow institutions to fail and then have renewal,’ Hoenig said today . . .>
Things I’d Like To See: The 28th Amendment [*28] — “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”
Support Scott Brown [*29]
Deregulation Now: A New Year’s resolution for failing state governments. [*30]
Woman Arrested for Throwing Obama Poster in the Garbage [*31] — Dissent Shall Be Suppressed . . .
Reactionary Liberals [*32]
Sarah Palin will headline first-ever Tea Party Convention [*33]
Independents Overwhelmingly Favor Republican in MA Senate Race [*34]
Lonewolf Diaries: Moral Absolutes are for Dumb Conservatives [*35]
Mad and Madder [*36]
Getting Control of Congress, Permanently [*37] — wow, the People, in control of Congress . . . what a concept!
Heads Explode… Dennis Miller Predicts Possible Palin Presidency [*38]
Larry Elder on Governor Palin [*39]
Go directly to jail: Women are the worst perpetrators of verbal violence against men [*40] — don’t get me wrong . . . laws against speech are tyrannical on their face, but . . .
The ascendancy of the non-private person [*41]
Free Banking and Contract Law [*42]
Conservatives Finish 2009 as No. 1 Ideological Group [*43]

The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Stimulus Fraud? Where’s “Sheriff Joe”? [*44]
Reckless Spending is Hard [*45]
Face the Voters [*46] — “There is a more basic issue now rumbling through not just conservative circles but also in the mainstream media: can these people be trusted to do much of anything?”
Every time someone crazy and vile comes to the White House, this administration claims “it wasn’t THAT crazy person” [*47]
Harry Reid 2006: I hate when people try to sneak secret special deals into important Senate bills without debate [*48]
Fun Deficit Fact To Start Your Tuesday [*49] — Why make you click through? It’s Thursday, already! — “The Bush Deficit of 2008 is roughly equal to the interest on the Obama Deficit of 2009.”
FIREDOGLAKE: Democratic Strategy in 2010: Run Against George W. Bush Again! [*50]
Calif. watchdog: Historic reviews slow stimulus [*51]
The Spin Factory Goes Haywire [*52]
Administration: Hey, On Second Thought? Now That We Really Think About It? Yeah… Maybe We Won’t Continue Freeing Terrorists to Yemen [*53]
Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Retiring This Year To Spend Time With His Family And Avoid Getting His Ass Kicked But Mostly To Avoid Getting His Ass Kicked [*54]
And another one bites the dust: Democrat Ritter drops out of Colorado guv bid [*55]
Emperor Obama and the Mob [*56]
Banking chief Dodd to leave Senate [*57]
Top Democrats head for the exits [*58] — this is what delinquent kids do after they realize that their playing with matches in their parents’ closet has lit the clothes on fire . . .
Obama’s ‘Amateur Hour’ [*59]
Press corps grills Gibbs: Um, didn’t Obama totally shamelessly lie about C-SPAN? [*60]
Awesome, awesome rumor: Chris Dodd for Treasury Secretary? [*61]
New Dem master plan for North Dakota: Let’s nominate a guy even further left than Byron Dorgan [*62]
No wonder everybody says he looks “tired” [*63]
Obama Lawyers Fined by Federal Court [*64]
The next Democratic senator to retire is… [*65]

The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Introducing a new occasional section of The Whip . . .lest we forget why they’re called the Stupid Party . . .
Support for Big Government a Bad Bet for the GOP [*66]
Steele: I Don’t Know if the GOP Is Ready to Lead (But It Doesn’t Matter, As We’re Not Going to Win Either House of Congress Anyway) [*67]
Does Newt Gingrich Speak for Either Republicans or Tea Partiers? [*68] — Gingrich is really good at thinking up ideas. Some of those ideas are even good. Others, though . . .

Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty’s enemies–because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
(. . . so much to spotlight, deconstruct, and ridicule, so little time . . .)
Who wants to be a Democrat? [*69]
NPR Teaches You How to Speak “Tea Bag” [*70] — I look forward with breathless anticipation to the followup on NPR’s site which I am sure is shortly forthcoming: How to Speak Fudge-Packer, about how to screw the American Taxpayer by passing trillion-dollar combination boondoggles and naked power grabs . . .
Another Program FAIL? [*71]
The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign [*72]
George Will on New York’s Eminent Domain Abuse [*73]
There’s a New Law in Town. Actually, Lots of Them. [*74] — yes, “law,” once intended to protect freedom, has largely become the enemy of freedom.
On the Street With Zo: Why Vote Democrat? [*75]
Obama as Greek Tragedy—Part One [*76]
Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! And Bush Really Did It! [*77] — being the second part of “Obama as Greek Tragedy” . . .
Keynesianism and Socialism [*78]
Steve from ‘Blue’s Clues’ Teaches Kids to Hate Sarah Palin [*79]
C-SPAN Asks to Televise Health Care Negotiations [*80]
The Limits Of Politics [*81]
Obama Flunks His First Year [*82]
If It Moves, Regulate It [*83]
Michael Yon encounters Border Security: Posts on Facebook. [*84]
Airline security idiocy of the day: Milblogger Michael Yon handcuffed, Joan Rivers blocked [*85]
Unionizing TSA Is A Security Mistake [*86]
The Left Goes to War Against Science, Surrenders on Terror [*87]
Historians Against the War: Only Progressives Need Apply? [*88]
Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ Shows Hollywood How to Trash America and Make a Profit Doing So [*89]
It’s War, not a Crime Spree [*90] — “the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor.” – Sarah Palin
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Military Blogger Michael Yon Detained, Handcuffed by TSA in Seattle Airport [*91]
Is This What Market Failure Looks Like? [*92]
What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration [*93]
Our Second Civil War [*94]
The TSA has gone insane [*95]
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie [*96]
And The Answer To Obesity In America? More Government Regulation, Of Course [*97]
Hidden-camera video: “Red Eye” goes inside the Media Matters offices [*98]
The Sheriff Is Coming! The Sheriff Is Coming! [*99]
Coexist? [*100]
Does the State Protect Us? [*101]
Why Are We Closing Guantanamo? [*102]
Lie to me [*103]
Lincoln’s “Retirement” May Be Involuntary [*104]
Has Any Recent Hollywood Movie Offered Positive Portrayal of Conservative Activist? [*105]
The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Democrats [*106]
The apology deficit and the crisis in self-awareness [*107] — “many of these people who blame others for their own errors or incompetence are, sadly, sincere in their finger-pointing” . . .

The Economy:
If you had invested $10,000 on December 31, 1999… [*108]
More on The Coming War Over Public-Sector Pensions [*109]
Downturn hits S.D. industry hard [*110] — “South Dakota’s industrial employment fell 5.4 percent during the past year, and that contraction cost the state 2,809 industrial jobs and 74 manufacturing companies from October 2008 to October 2009, a new survey reports.”
The Lost Decade [*111]
China Is Not America’s Banker [*112]
About That Dependency On Foreign Oil – Get Used To It [*113] — until Bussard/Polywell fusion comes through–or we throw all the Democrats out on their asses . . . ALL of them . . . and quite a few Republicans, too . . .
The Most Negative Leading Economic Indicator [*114]

Foreign affairs:
Iranian government about to collapse? [*115]
Beinart: No, we’re not at war with radical jihadist terrorism [*116]
A Constitutional National Security Crisis of Obama’s Own Creation [*117]
Killing the chicken to frighten the monkey [*118] — you just need to click through to Belmont Club (Richard Fernandez) posts. They’re good . . .
Jordanian Doctor Responsible For Suicide Bomb Attack On CIA Base In Afghanistan [*119] — does it occur to anyone that we just burned Jordanian intelligence here? Did we really want to do that?
A War We Can’t Afford [*120]
Who Is the Enemy? [*121]
Chickens Come Home, Roost [*122] — arguably, this belongs in the Democrats as Blithering Idiots section . . .
What constitutes a successful surge? [*123]
Al Qaeda’s Successful Attack [*124]
France wants to add more countries to “risk list” [*125]
That Attack On The CIA In Afghanistan? Looking Worse And Worse [*126]
Collateral damage [*127]
Air Marshall Surge? [*128] — shouldn’t “marshal” only have one “L?”
Meanwhile, in Iran . . . [*129]

“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
Updated Climate Presentation [*130] — From Warren Meyer who blogs at Coyote Blog . . .
ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit [*131]
December UAH global temperature anomaly – down by almost half [*132]
The frigid hit parade – over 1200 new cold and snow records set in the last week in the USA, more in progress [*133] — remember though, as you’re freezing your ass off this week, it’s a Sign of GLOBAL WARMING!
Stat Model Predicts Flat Temperatures Through 2050 [*134]
Climategate: Michael Mann’s very unhappy New Year [*135]
Cold Killing Iguanas [*136] — article title needs to include “is” . . . “cold IS killing iguanas” . . .
Climategate and the Migrating Arctic Tree Line [*137]
Winter kills: Excess Deaths in the Winter Months [*138]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Health Care Reform: Because the IRS Isn’t Big Enough Yet [*139]
Medicare Is Already Rationing Care [*140]
Mayo Clinic dropping Medicare patients [*141]
Beware a Public Health Plan in Private Disguise [*142]
Pelosi says Congress close to health deal [*143] — why are we letting them do this to us?

Media bias–and incompetence:
Really, these people are pathetic [*144]
‘You Are a Bad, Bad, Bad Journalist’ [*145]
Big Journalism [*146] — the Breitbart Empire expands again . . .
“Rush Returns” or “Upsetting the Media” [*147]
Proof Fox News Isn’t A “Real News Orgainization”: Right Wing FNC Hack Wooed By GOP To Run For Senate [*148] — oh, wait, it’s not Fox News, it’s . . .
Liberal Media Bias Shows Up in the Strangest Places [*149]
Big Journalism, local edition [*150]

SDSU-UMKC game to air on NBC Universal [*151] — (In South Dakota . . .)
ORU hands Jacks first home league loss [*152]
SDSU suffers tough Summit loss [*153]
Circling the Summit [*154]
UMKC and Southern Utah await Jackrabbits [*155]
KU holds off Ivy League’s Cornell at home[*156]

Science, technology, and space:
Ten Things You Need To Stop Tweeting About [*157]
Study: Spanked Children May Grow Up to Be Happier, More Successful [*158] — c’mon, it’s SCIENCE!
The 5 Best Places To Watch TV On The Internet [*159]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Arthur C Clarke and the end of upbeat futurology [*160]
Calling All Authors[*161]
A Re-Post of Great Importance: How To Write a Novel In 30 Days [*162]
Booklife: Seven Points to Consider When Submitting Short Fiction [*163]
It’s not about the odds. [*164]
Back to the Hugos: Lord of Light by Robert Zelazny [*165] — possibly my all-time favorite book . . .
5 Lies Writers Believe About Editors[*166]
Book Tour Wrap-Up: Did I Learn Anything? Should I Have Learned Anything? [*167]
Beware of Science Fiction [*168]
Wednesday Editorial: The Language of Science Fiction [*169]

Levi Johnston: A Hollywood Cautionary Tale [*170]
Men Know When They’re Aroused, Women May Not [*171]
Why Modern Music Sucks [*172]
How Disney’s ‘Pocahontas’ Became ‘Avatar’ [*173]
The Secrets to Staying Married[*174]
100 Quotes Every Geek Should Know [*175] — #43: “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” – Albert Einstein
Japanese Whaling Ship Destroys Radical Group’s New Space-Age Powerboat (Video) [*176]
Anal-Retentive Anti-Humor People? Yeah, There’s an App For That! [*177]
Limbaugh: How it felt to have a heart-attack scare [*178]
WiFi for passive-aggressives [*179]