Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

That a government which undertakes to direct economic activity will have to use its power to realize somebody’s ideal of distributive justice is certain. But how can and how will it use that power? By what principles will it or ought it to be guided? Is there a definite answer to the innumerable questions of relative merits that will arise and that will have to be solved deliberately? Is there a scale of values, on which reasonable people can be expected to agree, which would justify a new hierarchical order of society and is likely to satisfy the demands of justice?

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 11, 2010

I don’t hate Democrats, leftists, collectivists, progressives, totalitarians (OK, I might easily be persuaded to hate the last one). I just think they fundamentally misunderstand the universe–and human nature. Leftists believe that it is possible to competently “plan” anything as large as a national economy.

But the fact is that human assumptions are always faulty. Mine are. Yours are. Everybody’s assumptions are flawed–incomplete, at best–to a greater or lesser extent. The difference is, There are among us those who possess the arrogance of thinking that their assumptions should guide anything bigger than their own lives. This invites failure–in fact, it guarantees it. Reality is always bigger, more complex, more diverse, more chaotic than any human intellectual structure can totally interpret and model. Error is part of the human condition.

Leftists generally consider this a bug in the universe, and design elaborate social and governmental structures to eliminate error. Those on the “right” considers it a feature, and design simple social and governmental structures to accommodate the inevitable errors that occur.

Complex governmental and social solutions fail. Sooner or later, they fail. Simple governmental and social solutions are resistant to failure. That’s how the universe works–in spite of how earnestly well-meaning people want the universe to work differently. This is why socialism always–ALWAYS fails, sooner or later. But this is why socialism always comes back, with a different name (progressivism, communism, fascism, “liberalism,” communitarianism, “compassionate conservatism,” etc.), with a slightly changed argument, throughout human history. Socialism, total or partial, by whatever name, is a seductive, attractive, beguiling idea that is based on a flawed assumption. It just won’t work, no matter how good, reasonable, and good the people are who try to implement it.

It just won’t work. SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Not so much, not today.
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

A Whale of a Tail: Holland America Tour Operator Assists in Rescue [*1]

Possible SDSU stadium: 22,700 seats [*2]
No. 22 Vanderbilt routs No. 12 Tennessee 90-71 [*3]
Kansas edges closer to perfect history [*4]
Circling the Summit [*5]
Athletics discusses Coughlin upgrade: A new stadium, Frost expansion and indoor practice facility are all part of the athletic master plan. [*6]
Stadium feedback [*7]

Science Fiction and Writing:
How I Write When There is No Time [*8]
You Got ta Have — Enemies [*9]

Science, technology, and space:
Mapping the Interstellar Medium [*10] — Featuring a discussion of the “Local Cavity.” There’s a joke there, somewhere.
Ancient Greenland gene map has a surprise [*11]
I generally miss not having my Big Ugly satellite Dishes. I mean, DirecTV is OK, I guess, but there was something cool about pulling in all kinds of wild feeds with my BUDs (I had two–one ten-footer and a 7.5 footer.) But this here’s something I don’t miss doing after a big snow fall:

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Earthquake Hits Near Chicago [*12]
KC Chef Competing on National TV for Title of ‘Top Chef’ [*13]

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Misunderstanding the tea party [*14]
Getting Sarah Palin’s Paradigm [*15] — A liberal almost gets Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers. It’s not “the party of no.” It’s the party of “What the hell do you blithering overeducated idiots think you’re doing to our country?” (I have two master’s degrees, by the way.)
Revealed: Who’s responsible for the Bush “Miss Me Yet?” billboard [*16]
A better “Miss Me Yet?” billboard [*17] — “We, The People . . .”
Poll: Republicans gain on Obama, public welcomes GOP power to block[*18]
NY Assembly Special Election Results Bode Ill for Paterson and for Dems in State Senate [*19]
Republicans Surge in New ABC News/Washington Post Poll [*20]
A New Tea Party Resource – The Ensuring Liberty PAC [*21]
Palin, Perry a New Breed of Western-style Conservatism [*22] — “Government stimulus spending ends up doing more harm than good, because it removes money from the private sector through taxation, and when government debt reaches dizzying Obama heights, it makes corporate management nervous about the future.”
We Can Do Much More to Reduce the Federal Deficit [*23]
Jake Tapper to Host ABC’s This Week? [*24] — This would be–probably–a good idea, and hence in Washington will never happen . . .
If You Go Carrying Pictures of Dachau, You Ain’t Gonna Make It With Anyone Anyhow [*25] — Cautionary note (a continuing series) . . .
Word of Gov. Palin’s Tea Party Speech Reaches The Bunker [*26]

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Multiplier Effect Defect [*27] — Government spending does not create one single job. Not one. There’s a little thing called “opportunity cost” which most people (those who studied economics learn in about lesson #3 of Economics for People Who Couldn’t Care Less About Economics. Government economists and their apologists are obviously totally unaware of the concept or of its easily predictable ramifications in the real world of real people. Government does not “increase the velocity of money.” It decreases it by diverting money out of the private economy into the government, where it sits until some bureaucrat decides to spend it. The decline in the “velocity of money” due to government intervention is exacerbated when people in government start throwing around trillion-dollar spending proposals like peanut M&M’s at a particularly boring frat party. That terrifies businesses. Terrified businesses STOP SPENDING MONEY. Solution: Stop making businesses nervous. If the Obama administration had anybody in it who knew what it was like to run a business, they this country might have a chance. Unfortunately . . .
A Rand Revival [*28]
Unplanned Planning [*29]
Just Say No to Democracy: We should be looking for more checks on government power, not fewer. [*30] — The tyranny of the majority is just as dangerous as any other tyranny . . .
Property Rights Are Civil Rights[*31]
Economics In Four Dimensions [*32]

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
Obama Radical Big Labor Nominee Loses Vote – Sen. Brown Votes No [*33]
Douglas Wilder to Obama: It’s time to clean house and start firing people [*34]
Drillgate [*35] — Who’s working for “special interests” again? And who’s working for the people–ALL of the people?
An Obamageddon Snow Job [*36] — It reads like a satire. Sadly, it’s not . . .
Supreme Arrogance [*37]
Five Decades of Failure Are Enough [*38] — Obama is (we can hope) simply the last, feeble expression of the progressive/New Deal dalliance with irresponsible collectivism in democratic drag . . .
WaPo/ABC poll shows Obama losing command of the issues [*39]
With absolute power, Team Obama grows stupid [*40]
Newest Dog-Whistle Racial-Code-Word Racist Attack on Obama? Calling Him “The Professor” [*41] — We’re laughing at you blithering idiots out here in Flyoverland, you know that, right?
FCC’s Genachowski Promises He’s Not Out to Regulate Net, New Media [*42] — Promises of government bureaucrats to leave things alone ring a bit hollow, don’t they?
Out With The Sad, In With The Mad [*43]
White House Moves Swiftly To Stem Fallout Of Obama Interview [*44]
Obama Budget Rigs Healthcare Numbers [*45]
Obama Knows Obamacare Increases Government Control, Right? [*46] — Better question: Does he care?
Funny how dainty and refined the clodhopper always looks on the other foot [*47]
Obama’s “jobs bill” has a slight defect [*48] — I wouldn’t be quite so worried if Obama and his Administration showed the least little hint that they understood basic economics . . .

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Back to the Drawing Board: Democratic fantasies face the bracing slap of reality. [*49]
Porkulus II: Return of the Phony Jobs Boondoggle [*50]
Dingy Harry: Hey, Let’s Put the Budget-Busting Payoff the “DocFix” in the Jobs Bill So No One Notices The Additional $260 Billion Cost of our Health Care “Reform” [*51] — “The Democratic Hamsters will gnaw holes in the budget forever.” Truth.
The Constitutional Option returns [*52] — Unless, of course, the Democrats have no intention of every being in the “minority” ever again–something that an increasing number of people are beginning to suspect . . .

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
On Bush Nostalgia [*53]
CBS: Obama’s bipartisanship call is really demand for GOP surrender [*54] — You know it’s blatant when CBS, for crying out loud sees what’s really going on . . . I think it’s time for Admiral Akbar again . . .

Rep. Eric Cantor Says GOP Leaders Will Definitely Attend White House Meeting On Health Care (Video) [*55] — It’s a freakin’ trap, you freakin’ morons!
The Bipartisan Corporate State [*56]
Compromise, Obama style [*57] — IT’S A TRAP!
The Spirit of Bipartisanship [*58] — Yup. Still a trap. Now, maybe the Republicans are smart enough to come in, slap down their proposals, state their requirements, say “call us when you’re really serious about negotiating and doing the work you were elected to do, instead of playing silly media manipulation games, Mr. President,” then walk out. But I doubt it.
Pelosi Aide Admits Bipartisan Health Care Summit Is a Trick [*59] — See. SEE! It IS a trap!

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Frances Fox Piven: ACORN-style Mass Movement May Deepen Foreclosure Crisis, Forcing Government & Banks to Address Homeownership Rights [*60] — Property rights? Nonsense! Contracts? Crazy talk! Obligations? The Hell you say! . . .
Gallup Poll: Most Democrats Like Socialism [*61] — See The Word above . . .
St. Louis Alderman Demonstrates Why Tea Partiers are Mad [*62] — Oh. My. God. Trees. Planted in the street. Because the roots break up the sidewalks. Anybody see a problem here?
Regarding Roger: Ebert Doubles Down Twitter-Trashing His ‘Teabagging’ Fans [*63]

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Heart of Redness [*64] — An expedition into the wilds of the Great American Flyover-Outback-Bush (no pun intended–actually, yeah, go with it) . . .
The campus intifada, cont’d [*65]
Liberal Academic determinism? [*66] — “Which is why the proper response to Dr Surber would be to approach him outside the faculty lounge and say something like, “Tell me, philosophy boy… what is the sound of one hand clapping?”
– Then, when he hesitates, slap him across his face.”
Anti-Tea Party Web Site Part of Scheme to Funnel Funds [*67] — “Varoga and Rakis keep a central mailing address in Washington, pulling in soft money contributions from unions and other well-padded sources to engage in what amounts to a legal laundering system.”
A Tragic Use of Language [*68] — A signal trait of progressive collectivists is that words mean whatever they choose to have them mean, no more and no less. Welcome to Alice in Wonderland, everyone.
Paranoia Strikes Deep in Obama’s America [*69]
Misdirecting charity by perpetuating the myth of widespread hunger in America [*70]
Government Is Political [*71] — The dirty little secret of the Left: ANY proposal to use government to solve a problem is “politicizing the issue.” It is the Left who has politicized every single issue. Not the Right. The Left. The socialist, collectivist, neo-totalitarian Left. (And there is no other kind of Left–the Left is thuggery. The Right is freedom. Get it straight.)
What Bi-Partisanship Really Means [*72] — “Bi-partisan” is Democrat-speak for “do it our way.”
Mortal Enemies [*73]
Fox Uncovers Anti-Tea-Party Slush-Fund Scam [*74] — “It seems that the Tea Party movement, once defamed and derided, now poses a threat to the liberal establishment, so much so that they are collecting millions to undermine it.”
Hurtling Down the Road to Serfdom [*75] — In case you were wondering why I’ve been pulling excerpts out of Hayek’s Road to Serfdom for the past few months here . . . it’s because that’s where we are–again–sixty-five years later . . .
Obama’s Big Plans for Justice Department Nominee Johnsen [*76] — When President Palin comes to the Oval Office in 2013, her first act will have to be firing every single person currently employed by the Federal Government, I’m afraid . . . at least, every single person hired after Obama took office . . .
Sarah Palin’s Politics Of Resentment [*77]
When The Government Doesn’t Like Its People It Can’t Elect A New One. Or Can It? [*78]
Tea Party Convention Exposes Progressive Left’s Age Discrimination Problem [*79] — Among the many, many things that the Left is more bigoted than the Right about . . .

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
Monica Crowley: Palin Wrote “Hi Mom” On Her Hand But What She Really Was Saying Was “Bite Me” (Video) [*80]
Jon Stewart lifts shoplifting joke from comedian to mock Palin [*81]
Hey Crooks and Liars, It Appears that Josef Jarod Lied to You [*82] — We dip our toe into the “netroots” fever swamp. Well, we let “Conservatives4Palin” do it, but you know . . .
NY Times Swings, Misses At IPCC Story: Readers Still In Dark [*83]
An Evil Partnership [*84] — Wherein a journalist confesses his sins . . .
Columbia Journalism Review to Salon and Max Blumenthal: You Can’t Just Make Stuff Up [*85]
Video: Olby talks about “federal budget debt”, gets everything wrong [*86] — Yes, The Olbish One himself!
Video: MS-NBC’s Brewer claims heavy snowfall proves global warming [*87]
When Will the Mainstream Media Report That Alan Grayson Is Nuts? [*88]
If You Don’t Like Avatar and Anderson Cooper, You’re a Kook [*89]

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
Global Warming In One State [*90] — “What’s killing Minnesota’s moose?” And why are moose populations expanding almost everywhere else?
The end of the IPCC [*91]
Brace for the tipping point [*92] — My guess is that most people who bleat loudly about “tipping points” have little or no rigorous academic grounding in catastrophe theory in large complex chaotic systems–mainly because such rigorous grounding is exceedingly, exceedingly rare among the scientific community. . .
Climategate: MoveOn’s Triple Whopper [*93]
Pielke responds to Romm and Time [*94]
Climate “Twilight of the Gods” [*95]
Breitbart TV looks back on Byrd, Boxer, Klobuchar blaming lack of snow on AGW [*96]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Unless Congress acts, COBRA subsidy will expire May 31— “The average monthly COBRA premium for family coverage in Missouri — with the subsidy — was $365. Without the subsidy, the average family premium cost $1,044. But the average monthly premium paid in the nongroup, private market for family health insurance was $283.
In Kansas, the average monthly COBRA premium for subsidized family coverage was $369. Unsubsidized, the COBRA average was $1,054. In nongroup family health insurance plans, the average premium was $311.”
So, explain to me again why we should pay insurance companies subsidies, so that they can charge families MORE via COBRA than they do on the open market in Missouri and in Kansas? Who’s the “special interest” here? Hmmm???
Bend It Like Obama: Can the government control health care inflation through subsidies? [*97] — No. Next question?
The Roadmap to Real Health Care Reform [*98]
Is Uncompensated Care a Problem? [*99]

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Where Is the Inflation? [*100] — Hiding for the moment, because everybody with any sense is afraid to spend money . . . “The alternatives are simple — greatly reduce the growth in government spending or suffer a huge rise in inflation and/or economic stagnation.”
The Depression is Not Over [*101] — Raining on the parade that, come to think of it, hasn’t really started yet. I don’t go out shopping very often, but I did yesterday afternoon. The lack of cars in the parking lots was pretty disturbing to me–and I thought I knew how bad it was in Real People Land. It’s worse, and Obama and the Democrats have no clue what’s going on or how to fix it–assuming that they even want to fix it–which at this point is subject to some degree of credible debate, I’m afraid.
New Wind Farms in the U.S. Do Not Bring Jobs [*102]

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
America Rides off Into the Sunset[*103]
Our view on war on terror: National security team fails to inspire confidence [*104]
Greek unions strike against austerity plan [*105] — Take a good look, America. This is us, in the near future, unless we suck it up and turn away from big government.
Will Allowing Gays in the Military Really Impair Unit Cohesion? The Relevance of Allies’ Experience [*106]
Why China’s Economic and Military Growth Does Not Mean World Leadership [*107]
Menace in mad march of the thought police [*108]
Iranian Punch [*109]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

Once government has embarked upon planning for the sake of justice, it cannot refuse responsibility for anybody’s fate or position. In a planned society we shall all know that we are better or worse off than others, not because of circumstances which nobody controls, and which it is impossible to foresee with certainty, but because some authority wills it.

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 10, 2010

The next “national discussion” we need to have is how we have come to the national near-death experience we are now living through (at least, the hope is that we can keep it to just a near-death experience), how to step back from the cliff, and how to reinforce the guard rails so we never do anything like this again . . .

SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:(see what I did there, tease-wise . . . now you have to click on “read more,” don’t you?) Simians and other aminals*:
Asian Carp in the Great Lakes? This Means War! [*1]
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

Japan Airlines rejects Delta, stays with American [*2]

Jacks explode in second half, rout SUU [*3] — Women’s basketball, SDSU 93, Southern Utah 59.
No. 5 Tennessee downs Vanderbilt 69-60 [*4]
Tuesday Tidbits [*5]
Pac-10 considering possible expansion [*6]
Rutgers suspends Stringer for a game [*7]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Black and White [*8]

Science, technology, and space:
Brain scans enable communication with vegetative people [*9]
Are New MacBook Pros Imminent? [*10]

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
When to Walk Away [*11]
Time Lapse “Snowmageddon” [*12]
Dog waste problem piling up at popular forest trails in Jackson, Wyoming [*13]

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Newest target of tea partiers: Er, Ron Paul [*14] — Paul has generally good economic ideas but fails dismally at presentation . . . and he is NOT where the American public is right now on national defense and foreign affairs . . . Americans are tired of being told by politicians what they’re supposed to think, believe, and do. Any politician whose toolkit includes lecturing about pretty much anything is in serious trouble right now.
Today On The Bigs: What You Might Have Missed [*15] — Breitbart continues to Take Over The World . . .
Iowa Poll: 33% of Iowans support ‘tea party’ movement [*16] — And “support” plus “not sure” is 55% . . . I’d be interested in knowing how many of the remaining 45% have Clue #1 about what the Tea Partiers are really talking about, vs. what the propagandists at MSNBC, CBS, and the White House say they’re talking about . . .
Sweet Tea for GOP in Alabama [*17]
Another Palin hand-note sighting [*18]
Party of ‘No’…and Proud [*19]
The Army of Davids: ‘All Is Proceeding As I Have Foreseen’ [*20]
Myth Alaska: Sarah Palin bounces a reality check. [*21] — Nick Gillespie doesn’t like her very much, I think . . .
Americans Losing Hope, Looking For Change [*23]
The Right of Recall [*24]
Ron Paul and the Tea Parties [*25]
Outside the Beltway: Americans Angry, But Also Engaged [*26]
Paul Krugman Has Convinced This Libertarian to Vote Republican in the Next Election [*27]
Is Obama Failing? (Part 2) [*28]
Shock! Horror!….. A Palin-Friendly Article in the UK…. [*29]
Misunderstanding the Tea Party [*30]
American tea-party dishes hopey-changey thing [*31] — This Brit gets it . . .

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Federal Overreach and the New States’ Rights Movement [*32] — The American Founding Fathers intentionally created a federal governmental system–as they tried to distribute bits of power so widely that they would never come together to threaten the people’s freedom. We now know that they did not go far enough with that distribution of power . . .
Jacksonian Democrats are Reagan Democrats are Hillary Democrats are Palin Democrats [*33] — “Democrat” does not necessarily mean “blithering idiot,” you know . . .
Are We a Center-Right Nation? [*34]
Ah, The Blame Game [*35]
Live! Nude! Economists! [*36] — Article is not quite as unsettling as its title . . .

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
Obama’s Latest Gallup Numbers Seem Somewhat Late Bushian [*37]
No More Rock Stars! [*38]
I Was a Teenage President [*39]
Poll: Special interests more influential under Obama [*40]
Drillgate: Internal Emails Shows Obama Team Lying to Public [*41]
Brennan’s Op-Ed: An AOSHQ Response [*42]
Gallup: Obama approval hits new lows on economy, health care, deficit [*43]
The Clinton Voters Jump Ship: Obama’s shrinking base. [*44] — Where do Democrats who still love freedom and liberty go, now that the progressive collectivists control the Democratic Party?
Steering Clear of Obama’s Bermuda Triangulation [*45]
IBD/TIPP poll shows lowest confidence in Obama policies yet [*46]
Robert Gibbs is an Immature, Cartoonish Buffoon [*47] — A lot like his boss, actually . .
On Same Day That Obama Attends Press Conference & Calls For End of Petty Politics – WH Press Secretary Gibbs Mocks Palin With Notes On His Hand [*48] — Heh. Oopsie! Do as I say, not as I do!
Obama: I Hope My Obvious Attempt At Political Theater Will Not Be Labeled “Political Theater” [*49]
Obama’s “Reset” Button Quickly Changing to “Panic” [*50] — Obama would be much better off hanging up the “Community Organizer In Chief” coat and putting on the “Chief Executive of the U.S. Government” coat. He shows no sign of doing so, however–possibly because he has never managed anything substantial in his entire life. So, he doesn’t know how.

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Democrats, Meet Your Biggest Nightmare [*51]
Reports: Democrat Sen. Ben Nelson to oppose radical SEIU appointee [*52] — Something about closing the barn door after the horse has already gotten out . . .
Destroying The “Ungovernable” Canard [*53] — Isn’t it weird how America suddenly becomes “ungovernable” as soon as Democrats take up the reins of power? Spooky, isn’t it? Instead of blaming the people, maybe . . . (conclusion left as an exercise for the reader)

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
“Bi-Partisan Health Care Summit” Or Political Theater? (Update) [*54] — I hate it when politicians hold out the hope that maybe, possibly, they’re not blithering idiots. (Actually, I like it a lot, but it almost never really happens . . .)
Charlie Crist Crisis: Hand-picked Chair Gouged Party With Secret Contract [*55]
Michael Steele: My critics are racist [*56]
Hey Honey, Instead of Going Out For Dinner On Valentine’s Day, Why Don’t We Just Stay Home and Hate Democrats Together? [*57] — The Stupid Party strikes again . . . “Hey, I’ve got a boffo idea! Let’s politicize Valentine’s Day!”

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
5 Super Bowl Commercials About Women Emasculating Men [*58] — Tedious . . .
The Road to Serfdom: Public Servants Our Masters?[*59]
Your 2/9/10 Treacher update [*60] — The blogger who got run over–literally–by the State Department . . .
Raises won’t amount to much [*61] — If you were out there expecting a raise this year, you are either a blithering idiot, or a government employee (but I repeat myself [rim shot]) . . .
Airport Workers Copy & Distribute Naked Body Scanner Images Of Bollywood Star Shahrukh Khan [*62] — But, but, but . . . we were told that sort of thing couldn’t possibly happen with the new nudie airport scanners!
Felony Snowball Tossing Charges Lodged [*63] — Disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, maybe, but a felony?
Daily Gut: Asian-American Activists Upset Over ‘Yellow’ Train Line [*64]
Think Progress: ‘Let’s Not Pay Back China’ [*65]

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Blueprint Denver offers KC a model for urban design [*66] — As you might guess, I am deeply skeptical of “urban planning” … and I’ve got a graduate degree minor in it . . .
Liberal Conceit [*67]
Frances Fox Piven: Thomas Jefferson Would Be ‘Stunned’ at America Today (But Not For the Reason You Think) [*68]
GOP: White House has politicized terror all along [*69]

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
‘Miss Me Yet?’ Billboard With Photo Of Bush Is Real; Not An Internet Trick [*70] — They still don’t get it, but they will . . .
How to Write A Piece On How to Save the President [*71] — Mickey Kaus tries to be helpful . . .
Guest commentary | Banks have been unfairly vilified in economic crisis[*72] — It has to be a “guest commentary” because they can’t find anybody in the newsroom who thinks this way . . .
Get Over It: ‘Birtherism’ Is Not Journalism [*73]
Shoe, Meet the Other Foot [*74]
The Andrew Breitbart Tea Party Speech: A Declaration of War on the Democrat-Media Complex (Video) [*75]
Why the Media Ignored a Scandal [*76] — Oh, take a guess. Go on. You don’t even need to know what scandal the article talks about. Just guess.
USA Today refuses to “cheerlead” for Brennan, White House [*77] — Man Bites Dog . . . Newspaper Refuses To Roll Over For Democrats . . .
‘Teabaggers’: Roger Ebert Trashes His Own Fans (and Palin) on Twitter [*78]
Introducing: Retracto, the Correction Alpaca Theme Song [*79] — It’s got a beat, and you can dance to it . . .
Event: “The Crisis in Journalism – What Should the Government Do?” [*80]
Hate choo [*81]

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
NOAA’s new website – a first day sin of omission [*82]
If you’re going to do good science, release the computer code too [*83]
Parody: Resolved that snow is hereby banned [*84] — Are you SURE you’re opposed to “global warming?”
Climategate: Plausibility and the blogosphere in the post-normal age. [*85]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Obama’s healthcare summit sets stage for end-game [*86] — The game has ended, they just don’t realize it yet . . .
The “Con” of American Hospitals [*87]
Bipartisan Health Care Reform [*88]
Obama’s Health-Care Summit – Gimmick or Negotiation? [*89] — I covered this yesterday . . . IT’S A TRAP!

The Canadian Patients’ Remedy for Health Care: Go to America! [*90]
Phony Centrists Pay the Price for ObamaCare [*91]

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Dow closes below 10,000 for first time in 3 months: Stocks fall as investors remain wary of rising debt problems in Europe; Dow slides 104 [*92]
Big Changes Coming for Those Who Use Credit Cards [*93] — Credit: The only winning move is not to play . . .
That scorching GNP? It hit a brick wall in December [*94]

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
China’s debt bomb [*95]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

. . . who will deny that a world in which the wealthy are powerful is still a better world than one in which only the already powerful can acquire wealth?

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 9, 2010

The Overreach Trap

The Democrats thought that with their victory in 2008, that they had a mandate to once and for all re-make the United States from a Constitutional republic to a European-style democratic socialist welfare state.

They were wrong.

According to this poll[*1] , three quarters of the American public is angry (either “very angry” or “somewhat angry”) with the current policies of the Federal government. 45% of Americans are “Very Angry.” Only 19% are either “not angry” or “not very angry.”

The American public does not want European-style democratic socialism. What most Americans want is to be left alone to live their lives the best they can, with maybe a little bit of help at the margins–the “safety net” of basic services which any good and decent people will provide to the least fortunate among them.

The Democrats do not yet show any significant sign of understanding this basic truth of American political thinking. To the contrary, most of the Democratic leadership thinks that the problem is that they just have not explained themselves clearly enough to the American people. But what they do not understand is that they have explained themselves, their philosophies, their policies, and their attitudes quite well, and Americans overwhelmingly reject it all. For the Democrats’ basic misunderstanding of the American political mood, and their subsequent arrogance and political tone-deafness, they will be punished severely in the next election, and possibly for as much as a generation to come. And they will have richly deserved their time wandering in the political wilderness. A few of them see the tsunami coming. But not enough of them.

(continued . . . ) But even as the anger builds against the Democrats, the Republicans are deep within the danger zone as well. As the Tea Parties are the current primary expression of American rage at Democratic governing philosophy, they are also an expression of profound distrust, disappointment, and–yes–anger aimed at the Republican Party as well. The Republicans were supposed to be the fiscally responsible ones, the ones Americans could trust to be the political counterweight to the Democrats’ big-spending, government-loving core goals. The Republicans, led by George W. Bush, failed miserably. The disastrous “compassionate conservative” strategy of the Bush administration meant that the Republicans basically ceded to the Democrats the entire argument–the core American argument–of what is the proper size and role of government in the lives of the people. The Democrats believe that there are no limits to that role. The Republicans, during the Bush administration, accepted that point, voting for Republicans because “well, they’re a bit better than Democrats, I guess.” The collapse of that belief came in 2008, when the Republican Party nominated John McCain–a war hero, but a profoundly misguided politician–for President. His campaign was utterly doomed until he selected Sarah Palin as his running-mate. Palin found herself the only Republican on the national stage who had not accepted the whole of the Democratic, socialist, big-government agenda. That is why the left reserves its most vitriolic hate for her. That’s why many within the McCain campaign worked to sabotage her. That’s why so many regular Americans like her so much, despite her occasional rough edges.

But, because of the betrayal of the Republican Party of its individual-liberty, small-government roots, current Republican office-holders are now viewed with deep suspicion by even those who traditionally voted Republican. It is those betrayed Republicans who are the core of the Tea Party movement. That is why it is seen as largely a Republican movement, but the Tea Parties have a wide, deep, strong libertarian component. Libertarian ideas of personal responsibility, individual freedom and liberty, and strictly limited government are, at last, cool, trendy, a bit subversive. The other main camp representing the Republican political alliance–the social conservatives–are with much moaning, complaining, and gnashing of teeth, with their usual dark threats of retribution in this life or perhaps the next one if their issues are not immediately addressed, putting their pet social conservative issues on the back burner.

And, until the socialists now in charge of the Democratic Party are defeated and discredited, the back burner is where the social issues should stay.

Everyone needs to decide in their heart what is important right now. In order to do that, you need to take into account not only what you think is most important, but also what else is going on around you at the time. If you just found out your neighbor is molesting their children, but just at that moment, you look out your window and see that that neighbor’s house is on fire and the entire family is outside, fighting the fire, do you go outside and try to convince the neighbor to turn him- or herself in, or do you help put the fire out first, and then deal with the other issue later?

The American people are united, with a large majority wanting their government to guarantee a stable, level playing field for all Americans, make sure everybody plays by the same rules, and see that nobody takes unfair advantage of the dangerous force of that government, that George Washington famously said was “like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action. ” Within that framework, they want to be left alone. The Democrats are fascinated with the potential good that government might do, and are drawn to it like moths to a fire. The Republicans failed to keep the government–and the mesmerized Democrats–from irresponsible action, and even worse, started becoming mesmerized by the fire themselves. Both parties have failed us.

Now is not the time to drive away liberty-loving Democrats and independents with “wedge issues.” If the American people focus on the big issues: the proper, limited role of government, individual responsibility and liberty, the freedom to live your life as you please within a reasonable, slowly-changing, understandable framework of law, then the United States can be renewed, the 21st Century will be another American Century, and our country will continue to be a beacon of hope to a world that has far too little of that precious commodity.

SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Broadcaster fined over killing a rat on TV show[*2]
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

American Airlines to charge $8 for blankets [*3]

Perfect Nebraska bound for red [*4]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Internet prompts the publishing itch in over-60s [*5]

Science, technology, and space:
The shuttle launched. Yawn.

Top 10 Super Bowl tech ads [*6]

Heinz’ New Ketchup Packet Dips, Squeezes and Scores (With Video!) [*7]
Ale is good, make no bones about it [*8]
Delaware police say man pointed a gun at neighbor who was shoveling snow [*9] — Y’all need to mind where you’re throwing the snow, y’all . . .
Super Bowl Halftime Show: Time For Baby Boomers to Release Their Cultural Death Grip [*10]

Rest in peace, John Murtha [*11]

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Sarah Palin is going to wind up getting elected [*12] — From someone who says he is not a fan . . .
New Marist poll shows Obama losing independents 2-1 [*13]
Surely Marist will Poll Obama (D) v. H. Clinton (I) v. Palin (R) Next? [*14]
Thankless tasks drive people to drink [*15]
Sarah Palin’s Media Strategy Proves Instructive for Right[*16]
Paul Ryan’s Freaky-Good Plan for Making America Solvent, Forever [*17] — “The only plan which actually saves our entitlement programs.” Now, it’s debatable if that’s really a good idea, but regaining national solvency would be a nice change, anyway . . .
Snark Of The Week [*18] — “So as a lifelong Massachusetts Republican I appreciate the irony in these pictures. We sent Scott Brown to DC on Thursday and by the weekend hell really had frozen over.”
Tea Partiers vs. Ron Paul [*19]
3 Missouri Republicans Move Into “Contender” Status Including Ed Martin in St. Louis [*20]
Eye On The Polls – Not Good News For Democrats Or Incumbents [*21]
Civil Rights and Armed Self-Defense [*22]
No More Talking Points – It’s Time for Economic Freedom [*23] — Cut government and return power to the people. There’s your “talking points.”
House GOP Responds to Summit Invite [*24] — The sad part is that it sounds like it’s borderline snarky, but it’s just laying out the facts–which are snark enough with Obama and the merry crew of Democrat redistributionists in Washington . . .

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Why Fear Big Government? [*25] — This really sums it up pretty well . . .
Are Rothbardians unreasonable? [*26] — Yes! No! Pass! I think I tend to be more of a utilitarian Hayekian than a doctrinaire Rothbardian . . . mainly because I think there can be about 300 angels on the head of the pin, not the 3,000 the Rothbardians insist can dance there . . .
In Defense of Poorly Regulated Private Markets [*27]
A Formula for Real Economic Growth: Cut Public Employee Pay by 20% [*28] — This should get some people excited . . .
The Revolution Continues: Revamped Online Resources from FEE [*29]
Drug Czar Should Go [*30]

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
Obama’s Latest Defense: I’m No Different From Bush [*31]
Lessons Obama Should Have Learned From Watching the Super Bowl [*32]
Negotiations Without Preconditions for Iran, But Not Republicans [*33]
Obama becoming the National Nanny [*34] — The first time I read this, I thought it said “ninny.” My bad.
Keynesian Doublespeak [*35]
New Marist poll shows Obama losing independents 2-1 [*13] — Yeah, I know, but it was so good I had to post it twice . . .
Those “saved or created” jobs on the block again [*36]
Does the President’s Budget Matter? [*37] — Actually, I’m afraid it does. It has no chance in hell of getting passed, but it will serve as another data point for an American public who is really, really, really, really angry at this kind of . . . stuff . . .
Is Obama Holding Health Care Negotiations in Good Faith? [*38] – Do you really have to ask? “Now that for the past year I’ve been calling Republicans rotten dirty horrible partisan monsters who eat babies and put puppies into blenders . . . I don’t understand why they refuse to be bipartisan and sit down with me and listen to me tell them how simply awful and horrible and partisan they are. Aren’t they awful?”
Sarah Palin Treated as Political Equal of President? [*39]
Gallup: Obama approval hits new lows on economy, health care, deficit [*40] — Despite how it may appear, I really do wish that Obama would go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow as an American statesman . . . that would make a lot of people’s lives easier, starting with the Democratic majority in Congress . . .
New Federal Climate Change Agency Forming [*41] . . . but, unfortunately, Obama sees more, bigger government as the best and preferred solution to any problem that arises . . .
A Tale Both Positive and a Cautionary: President Obama’s Phantom $15 Billion Program for Small Businesses [*42]
The persistent attacks on Las Vegas are some of the dumbest things this administration continues to do [*43] — Oh, I don’t know, have you guys seen the budget proposal? Rim-shot! Pow!
Geithner: U.S. will never lose Aaa debt rating [*44] — With all due respect, Timmy, your crystal ball has been pretty F’ing cloudy lately . . .

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Back to the Drawing Board: Democratic fantasies face the bracing slap of reality. [*45] — “Progressive Democrats . . . are having many of the nostrums they championed during the wilderness years tested in the real world for the first time in decades. The initial results of this long-delayed peer review have been a shock to the progressive system.
America is Not Ungovernable [*46] — It’s not that America is ungovernable. It’s that Democrats don’t understand the American system of governance.
Jobs bill could contain Card Check [*47]
Political Alchemy, Part I: Turning Spending Increases into Tax Cuts [*48] — Tax “credits” are not tax cuts. Tax cuts are tax cuts. Democrats really need to stop lying and playing word games.
That Was Quick… Democrats Use Murtha’s Death to Push for Obamacare (Video) [*49]
More Evidence of Democratic Prejudice Against Republicans [*50] — Or Crass vs. Class: you decide which was which, between Democrat Jen Crider and Republican William Russell . . . and you tell me which side is “coarsening the political debate” today . . .

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
Obama’s Kabuki summit invitation: Just say no [*51] — But we all know that the Stupid Party will go to this like lambs to slaughter . . .
El Rushbo: Obama Invite to GOP Members to Discuss Health Care a “Trap” (Video) [*52]

Obama’s healthcare summit sets stage for end-game [*53] — Kill the Bill. Now.

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
The Constitutional Delusions of Sirota’s Mind [*54]
Don’t Know What You Got (Till It’s Gone) [*55]
Social Security Surplus Withers, But That’s No Surprise [*56] — It’s gone. They spent it.
Law Enforcement and DWI Roundup [*57]
“The milk man cometh, and the Constitution goeth.” [*58]
It’s Just Going to Get Worse [*59] — The High Speed Rail boondoggle . . .
Even third-hand smoke carries carcinogens: study [*60] — I remain open to the possibility that tobacco smoke is a Really Bad Thing . . . I know that personally, I can’t stand it, but am not yet completely convinced that it should be banned . . .
Kan. Secretary of State Resigning to Take Job Building Government Web Sites [*61] — There’s something about Kansas . . . that makes statewide elected officials quit . . . I think that’s five so far . . .

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Public-sector unions bleed taxpayers [*62]
Recession chugs on, except in government [*63]
The Human-Rights Facade Is Beginning to Crumble [*64]
The Progressive Tantrum [*65] — “The important point is that Progressives are never wrong. . . I am not a populist. I fear the mob. But how can I fear the Progressives any less?”
Without Murtha, Dems now one vote short of passing ObamaCare in House [*66] — Well, I guess the traditional 10-minute mourning period for Washington politics has pretty much expired . . .
The Liberal Prism of Condescension [*67]
Gerard Alexander: Why are liberals so condescending? [*68] — “Every political community includes some members who insist that their side has all the answers and that their adversaries are idiots.” Oops. Busted, I guess. But I don’t think collectivists are just idiots. I think they’re blithering idiots. If you start with the tenet that you’d just as soon leave other people alone, you’ll have no name-calling from me. Otherwise? Otherwise.
Four versions of liberal condescension [*69] — The Cliff Notes version of the above Alexander article . . .

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
As counter-media fuels tea party movement, main stream media catches on [*70] — “Breitbart said reporters put all news involving conservatives into two basic buckets: “racism and Watergate.””
Far Left Crank Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin – Writes Notes on Her Hand (Video) [*71]
Max Blumenthal, Equal-Opportunity Hater [*72] — And perennial candidate for Most Loathsome Person Of The Year . . .
Red Eye Celebrates Third Year By Topping CNN Prime Time Last Week [*73] — When your entire prime time lineup is getting poorer ratings than a show that’s on at 3 am (Eastern). . .
Daily Gut: Obama’s Coffin/T-Shirt ‘Moment’ [*74] — And, on cue . . .

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
NOAA’s new ‘climate service’ – not a sure thing yet [*75]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
The Small Bill [*76] — Another Republican Alternative.

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Bernanke’s Plan To Drain The Monetary Swamp [*77] — “If it isn’t executed perfectly, we could see a quick slide back into recession or rampant inflation.”
Fed to Outline ‘Exit Strategy’: Bernanke Prepares Future Strategy for Curbing Credit; Policy Shift Remains Months Off [*78] — The WSJ source article for the above blog comment article . . .
Did Goldman Sachs push A.I.G. over the edge? [*79]
Study shows why it is so scary to lose money [*80]

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
Single European Currency: Single European Disaster [*81]
Why Not Cut Military Spending? [*82]
Is Europe About to Melt Down? [*83]
Question: Does Iran already have a nuclear bomb? [*84] — They’re going to do something on February 11th. What?
Greek Ouzo crisis escalates into global margin call as confidence ebbs [*85]
Strip club in Ohio donates $1,000 in cover charges to earthquake relief for Haiti [*86] — Now that’s foreign affairs we can all get behind! Um. Er . . .
Did Iran overreach? [*87]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Morning Whip, Feb. 8, 2010

How ’bout them Super Bowl commercials, huh?

SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Animal advocates sue over USD monkey tests [*1]
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

Stay at home. Work. Consume. Big Brother is Your Friend. Palin is evil. Obama is good. Work. Consume.

Weekend review[*2]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Zoomorphism in Science Fiction—In or Out?[*3]
Writing cultures: insider vs. outsider [*4]
Writers on Writing–Emotion [*5]
The Write Way and the Wrong Way [*6]
Ways to Trash Your Writing Career: Surrender, Dorothy! [*7]
Hey, remember when I used to post long, half-thought-out posts on big topics? [*8]
Least Favorite Authors of SF [*9]
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up [*10]

Science, technology, and space:
Nook Review [*11]
Looking At Light [*12]
Opinion: MacBook, or iMac + iPad? [*13]

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
NBC throws Conan down the memory hole, deletes his online content [*14]

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Glenn Reynolds: Nashville Shows Tea Party Is America’s Third Great Awakening[*15] — We’ll put Professor Reynolds down as a “fan.”
Tea Party Post Mortem [*16]
Any interest in a Purple Team? [*17]
Sarah Palin Power [*18] — Is it a coincidence that the “Tea Party Convention” was held in the Volunteer State?
Sarah Palin is splitting the liberals [*19]
The reason Sarah Palin will be President in 2012, distilled in one picture [*20]
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Zeitgeist [*21] — Obama will have to start directly attacking Palin soon. When he does, that will be the sign that he recognizes his Presidency is doomed. He will not be able to win a PR fight with Palin. She’s better at it than he is. He connects with what people think they want to be. She connects with what people are.
Did You Feel the Earth Move? [*22]
Fallout From Sarah Palin’s Kentucky Senate Endorsement of Rand Paul [*23]
Sarah Palin is too polarizing! [*24] — Yes, but she polarizes exactly the people the rest of us need to be worried about so it’s all good!
What about a POLAR TEAM to help Palin? [*25]
Obama v Palin … Palin? [*26]
Palin Mocks Liberals [*27] — Who, of course, richly deserve mocking on a regular basis . . .
Every Time Sarah Takes the Stage, Her Impact Is as Big as D.C.’s Blizzard [*28]

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
The Race Against Government [*29]
Change Your Mind [*30]

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
The Difference Between Using a Teleprompter and Notes [*31]
Sarah Palin Calls for Eric Holder & Rahm Emanuel to Resign (Video) [*32] — In a sane world, the whole lot of them would look in the mirror tomorrow morning and realize “Oh, my God, we ARE blithering idiots!” and rush to the microphones to resign.
Obama’s Antidisestablishmentarianism and the Tea Partiers [*33]

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Who’ll Call the Blue Dogs Out? [*34]

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
Yeah, they’re there. They’re just laying low, I guess.

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
They’re flying below the radar today, too . . .

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Does Palin Derangement Syndrome Know No Bounds? [*35] — THE HAND! THE HAND! AIEEEE!!!!
Obama’s Smart Move in Health Care Debate, but it’s fraught with risks for Democrats, huge risks [*36] — The Republicans have to get up in this meeting, one after the other, and say, firmly, “Why wasn’t this meeting held a year ago?” Obama needs to be called on his reckless, arrogant governing style.
Palin Exposes Misogyny In The Democratic Base, Again [*37]
Deficit Spending – Pimping The Great Lie [*38]
Frances Fox Piven: Glenn Beck Seeks ‘Foreign, Dark-Skinned, Intellectual’ Scapegoats[*39] — The worst thing about pimping the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” is that the name “Cloward-Piven” sounds so incredibly stupid . . .

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
Palin’s 6 Words vs. Media’s Ignorance to the Real News [*40]
The Associated Press Sees What Isn’t There [*41]
As counter-media fuels tea party movement, main stream media catches on [*42]

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
The Superbowl “Green Police” commercial [*43] — Whenever I see “Green Police,” the song “The Dream Police” by Cheap Trick starts playing in my mind . . .
“The Green Police?” [*44] — “The Green Police, they live inside of my head . . .”

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Media Ignore Health Gains [*45]

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Squeezing the Job Creators [*46] — Why is the Democrat solution to job creation to take money away from the job creators?
Europe Risks Another Global Depression [*47]

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
China shuts down largest hacker training website [*48]
Generation Kill [*49]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)