Contributed by: filbert Tuesday, September 19 2006 @ 11:38 AM CST
Sadly, most of the President’s opponents will not even read the speech. So, to those of you who oppose President Bush, the following speech outlines exactly what you are opposing. Are you sure you’re on the right side?
(emphasis added):
THE PRESIDENT:Mr. Secretary General, Madam President,distinguished delegates, and ladies and gentlemen: I want to thank youfor the privilege of speaking to this General Assembly.
Last week, America and the world marked the fifth anniversary ofthe attacks that filled another September morning with death andsuffering. On that terrible day, extremists killed nearly 3,000innocent people, including citizens of dozens of nations representedright here in this chamber. Since then, the enemies of humanity havecontinued their campaign of murder. Al Qaeda and those inspired by itsextremist ideology have attacked more than two dozen nations. Andrecently a different group of extremists deliberately provoked aterrible conflict in Lebanon. At the start of the 21st century, it isclear that the world is engaged in a great ideological struggle, betweenextremists who use terror as a weapon to create fear, and moderatepeople who work for peace.
Five years ago, I stood at this podium and called on the communityof nations to defend civilization and build a more hopeful future. Thisis still the great challenge of our time; it is the calling of ourgeneration. This morning, I want to speak about the more hopeful worldthat is within our reach, a world beyond terror, where ordinary men andwomen are free to determine their own destiny, where the voices ofmoderation are empowered, and where the extremists are marginalized bythe peaceful majority.This world can be ours if we seek it and if wework together.
The principles of this world beyond terror can be found in the veryfirst sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thisdocument declares that the “equal and inalienable rights of all membersof the human family is the foundation of freedom and justice and peacein the world.”One of the authors of this document was a Lebanesediplomat named Charles Malik, who would go on to become President ofthis Assembly.Mr. Malik insisted that these principles apply equallyto all people, of all regions, of all religions, including the men andwomen of the Arab world that was his home.
In the nearly six decades since that document was approved, we haveseen the forces of freedom and moderation transform entire continents.Sixty years after a terrible war, Europe is now whole, free, and atpeace — and Asia has seen freedom progress and hundreds of millions ofpeople lifted out of desperate poverty. The words of the UniversalDeclaration are as true today as they were when they were written. Asliberty flourishes, nations grow in tolerance and hope and peace. Andwe’re seeing that bright future begin to take root in the broader MiddleEast.
Some of the changes in the Middle East have been dramatic, and wesee the results in this chamber. Five years ago, Afghanistan was ruledby the brutal Taliban regime, and its seat in this body was contested.Now this seat is held by the freely elected government of Afghanistan,which is represented today by President Karzai. Five years ago, Iraq’sseat in this body was held by a dictator who killed his citizens,invaded his neighbors, and showed his contempt for the world by defyingmore than a dozen U.N. Security Council resolutions. Now Iraq’s seat isheld by a democratic government that embodies the aspirations of theIraq people, who’s represented today by President Talabani. With thesechanges, more than 50 million people have been given a voice in thischamber for the first time in decades.
Some of the changes in the Middle East are happening gradually, butthey are real.Algeria has held its first competitive presidentialelection, and the military remained neutral. The United Arab Emiratesrecently announced that half of the seats in its Federal NationalCouncil will be chosen by elections. Kuwait held elections in whichwomen were allowed to vote and run for office for the first time.Citizens have voted in municipal elections in Saudi Arabia, inparliamentary elections in Jordan and Bahrain, and in multipartypresidential elections in Yemen and Egypt. These are important steps,and the governments should continue to move forward with other reformsthat show they trust their people. Every nation that travels the roadto freedom moves at a different pace, and the democracies they buildwill reflect their own culture and traditions.But the destination isthe same: A free society where people live at peace with each other andat peace with the world.
Some have argued that the democratic changes we’re seeing in theMiddle East are destabilizing the region. This argument rests on afalse assumption, that the Middle East was stable to begin with. Thereality is that the stability we thought we saw in the Middle East was amirage. For decades, millions of men and women in the region have beentrapped in oppression and hopelessness. And these conditions left ageneration disillusioned, and made this region a breeding ground forextremism.
Imagine what it’s like to be a young person living in a countrythat is not moving toward reform. You’re 21 years old, and while yourpeers in other parts of the world are casting their ballots for thefirst time, you are powerless to change the course of your government.While your peers in other parts of the world have received educationsthat prepare them for the opportunities of a global economy, you havebeen fed propaganda and conspiracy theories that blame others for yourcountry’s shortcomings. And everywhere you turn, you hear extremistswho tell you that you can escape your misery and regain your dignitythrough violence and terror and martyrdom. For many across the broaderMiddle East, this is the dismal choice presented every day.
Every civilized nation, including those in the Muslim world, mustsupport those in the region who are offering a more hopeful alternative.We know that when people have a voice in their future, they are lesslikely to blow themselves up in suicide attacks. We know that whenleaders are accountable to their people, they are more likely to seeknational greatness in the achievements of their citizens, rather than interror and conquest. So we must stand with democratic leaders andmoderate reformers across the broader Middle East. We must give themvoice to the hopes of decent men and women who want for their childrenthe same things we want for ours. We must seek stability through a freeand just Middle East where the extremists are marginalized by millionsof citizens in control of their own destinies.
Today, I’d like to speak directly to the people across the broaderMiddle East: My country desires peace. Extremists in your midst spreadpropaganda claiming that the West is engaged in a war against Islam.This propaganda is false, and its purpose is to confuse you and justifyacts of terror. We respect Islam, but we will protect our people fromthose who pervert Islam to sow death and destruction. Our goal is tohelp you build a more tolerant and hopeful society that honors people ofall faiths and promote the peace.
To the people of Iraq:Nearly 12 million of you braved the carbombers and assassins last December to vote in free elections.Theworld saw you hold up purple ink-stained fingers, and your couragefilled us with admiration. You’ve stood firm in the face of horrendousacts of terror and sectarian violence — and we will not abandon you inyour struggle to build a free nation. America and our coalitionpartners will continue to stand with the democratic government youelected. We will continue to help you secure the internationalassistance and investment you need to create jobs and opportunity,working with the United Nations and through the International Compactwith Iraq endorsed here in New York yesterday.We will continue totrain those of you who stepped forward to fight the enemies of freedom.We will not yield the future of your country to terrorists andextremists. In return, your leaders must rise to the challenges yourcountry is facing, and make difficult choices to bring security andprosperity. Working together, we will help your democracy succeed, soit can become a beacon of hope for millions in the Muslim world.
To the people of Afghanistan: Together, we overthrew the Talibanregime that brought misery into your lives and harbored terrorists whobrought death to the citizens of many nations.Since then, we havewatched you choose your leaders in free elections and build a democraticgovernment. You can be proud of these achievements. We respect yourcourage, and your determination to live in peace and freedom. We willcontinue to stand with you to defend your democratic gains. Todayforces from more than 40 countries, including members of the NATOAlliance, are bravely serving side-by-side with you against theextremists who want to bring down the free government you’veestablished. We’ll help you defeat these enemies and build a freeAfghanistan that will never again oppress you, or be a safe haven forterrorists.
To the people of Lebanon: Last year, you inspired the world whenyou came out into the streets to demand your independence from Syriandominance. You drove Syrian forces from your country and youreestablished democracy. Since then, you have been tested by thefighting that began with Hezbollah’s unprovoked attacks on Israel. Manyof you have seen your homes and communities caught in crossfire. We seeyour suffering, and the world is helping you to rebuild your country,and helping you deal with the armed extremists who are undermining yourdemocracy by acting as a state within a state.The United Nations haspassed a good resolution that has authorized an international force, ledby France and Italy, to help you restore Lebanese sovereignty overLebanese soil.For many years, Lebanon was a model of democracy andpluralism and openness in the region — and it will be again.
To the people of Iran:The United States respects you; we yourcountry. We admire your rich history, your vibrant culture, and yourmany contributions to civilization. You deserve an opportunity todetermine your own future, an economy that rewards your intelligence andyour talents, and a society that allows you to fulfill your tremendouspotential. The greatest obstacle to this future is that your rulershave chosen to deny you liberty and to use your nation’s resources tofund terrorism, and fuel extremism, and pursue nuclear weapons. TheUnited Nations has passed a clear resolution requiring that the regimein Tehran meet its international obligations. Iran must abandon itsnuclear weapons ambitions. Despite what the regime tells you, we haveno objection to Iran’s pursuit of a truly peaceful nuclear powerprogram. We’re working toward a diplomatic solution to this crisis.And as we do, we look to the day when you can live in freedom — andAmerica and Iran can be good friends and close partners in the cause ofpeace.
To the people of Syria: Your land is home to a great people with aproud tradition of learning and commerce. Today your rulers haveallowed your country to become a crossroad for terrorism. In yourmidst, Hamas and Hezbollah are working to destabilize the region, andyour government is turning your country into a tool of Iran. This isincreasing your country’s isolation from the world. Your governmentmust choose a better way forward by ending its support for terror, andliving in peace with your neighbors, and opening the way to a betterlife for you and your families.
To the people of Darfur: You have suffered unspeakable violence,and my nation has called these atrocities what they are — genocide.For the last two years, America joined with the international communityto provide emergency food aid and support for an African Unionpeacekeeping force. Yet your suffering continues. The world must stepforward to provide additional humanitarian aid — and we must strengthenthe African Union force that has done good work, but is not strongenough to protect you.The Security Council has approved a resolutionthat would transform the African Union force into a blue-helmeted forcethat is larger and more robust. To increase its strength andeffectiveness, NATO nations should provide logistics and other support.The regime in Khartoum is stopping the deployment of this force. If theSudanese government does not approve this peacekeeping force quickly,the United Nations must act. Your lives and the credibility of theUnited Nations is at stake. So today I’m announcing that I’m naming aPresidential Special Envoy — former USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios– to lead America’s efforts to resolve the outstanding disputes andhelp bring peace to your land.
The world must also stand up for peace in the Holy Land. I’mcommitted to two democratic states — Israel and Palestine — living side-by-side in peace and security. I’m committed to aPalestinian state that has territorial integrity and will livepeacefully with the Jewish state of Israel. This is the vision setforth in the road map — and helping the parties reach this goal is oneof the great objectives of my presidency. The Palestinian people havesuffered from decades of corruption and violence and the dailyhumiliation of occupation. Israeli citizens have endured brutal acts ofterrorism and constant fear of attack since the birth of their nation.Many brave men and women have made the commitment to peace. Yetextremists in the region are stirring up hatred and trying to preventthese moderate voices from prevailing.
This struggle is unfolding in the Palestinian territories. Earlierthis year, the Palestinian people voted in a free election. The leadersof Hamas campaigned on a platform of ending corruption and improving thelives of the Palestinian people, and they prevailed. The world iswaiting to see whether the Hamas government will follow through on itspromises, or pursue an extremist agenda. And the world has sent a clearmessage to the leaders of Hamas: Serve the interests of the Palestinianpeople. Abandon terror, recognize Israel’s right to exist, honoragreements, and work for peace.
President Abbas is committed to peace, and to his people’saspirations for a state of their own. Prime Minister Olmert iscommitted to peace, and has said he intends to meet with President Abbasto make real progress on the outstanding issues between them. I believepeace can be achieved, and that a democratic Palestinian state ispossible. I hear from leaders in the region who want to help.I’vedirected Secretary of State Rice to lead a diplomatic effort to engagemoderate leaders across the region, to help the Palestinians reformtheir security services, and support Israeli and Palestinian leaders intheir efforts to come together to resolve their differences. PrimeMinister Blair has indicated that his country will work with partners inEurope to help strengthen the governing institutions of the Palestinianadministration. We welcome his initiative. Countries like Saudi Arabiaand Jordan and Egypt have made clear they’re willing to contribute thediplomatic and financial assistance necessary to help these effortssucceed. I’m optimistic that by supporting the forces of democracy andmoderation, we can help Israelis and Palestinians build a more hopefulfuture and achieve the peace in a Holy Land we all want.
Freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed — it must be chosen.From Beirut to Baghdad, people are making the choice for freedom. Andthe nations gathered in this chamber must make a choice, as well: Willwe support the moderates and reformers who are working for change acrossthe Middle East — or will we yield the future to the terrorists andextremists? America has made its choice: We will stand with themoderates and reformers.
Recently a courageous group of Arab and Muslim intellectuals wroteme a letter. In it, they said this: “The shore of reform is the onlyone on which any lights appear, even though the journey demands courageand patience and perseverance.” The United Nations was created to makethat journey possible.Together we must support the dreams of good anddecent people who are working to transform a troubled region — and bydoing so, we will advance the high ideals on which this institution wasfounded.
Thank you for your time. God bless.