Contributed by: filbert Monday, August 04 2008 @ 11:44 AM CST
I’ve also been seriously considering dropping the nom-de-blog of “Filbert,” coming out of the Internet-pseudonym closet, and blogging and, um, webbing under my real name. Now, my secret identity is not that terribly secret . . . any sufficiently enterprising and Internet-knowledgable person can easily suss out exactly who I am. That’s not the real point.
The point is that there comes a time when a guy needs to step up and own their words . . . both in a copyright sense and in a moral sense. As I progress (ever so slowly and painfully) towards becoming what I hope will be, someday, an honest-to-goodness published author, I’ll be doing it under my own name. It makes sense to me to write on the Internet using my own name, too. It seems to work for John Scalzi, Glenn Reynolds, and numerous others.
Well, I’m thinking about it, anyway.