Contributed by: filbert Tuesday, March 17 2015 @ 12:29 PM CST
Because he’s a SJW* idiot (but I repeat myself).
Also, Starbucks coffee sucks. That’s why you need all the cream and sugar in it to choke it down.
* “Social Justice Warrior”: An officious, overbearing, busybody of a mindless knee-jerk leftist twit who has an overwhelming need to feel superior to others by being more “sensitive” or “tolerant” than the next guy, or gal . . . and expresses that sensitivity and tolerance by being astonishingly intolerant and insensitive. They treasure “respectful conversations” which they then define as agreeing with them 100%. If you do not, you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, “worst person in the world,” etc, etc.