Andy, is Mayberry Burning?

Kathleen Sullivan, in the Orlando Sentinel[*1] :

First, we all can agree that flushing a Quran down a toilet, if physically possible, would be both insensitive and rude, though Westerners generally have a higher tolerance threshold for such offenses. Put it this way: You could flush a Bible down the toilet in front of Goober in Kabul, and it’s unlikely that Mayberry suddenly would be awash in blood.

Garage Sale Time!

I’m not exactly sure why this is in “Diet & Lifestyle” but it’s gotta go somewhere.

It’s garage sale time? Our little subdivision has its community garage sale this Saturday, so it’s time to go through the garage and basement and drag out all the stuff that we don’t want any more but is too good to actually throw out.

Greasy Spoon, Anyone?

Snookums came across this site[*1] , which caters to the diner who (in part):

Passes by the familiar, bland comfort of the Red Lobsters, Olive Gardens and Golden Arches that have taken over suburbia, insisting on driving a few minutes or hours further – knowing that somewhere down the road is a barbecue pit, a truck stop, a diner, a drive-in. a greasy spoon that may well become the highlight of the journey.

Well worth the time to browse around on the site. It could be a bit better organized, but all in all a good-natured (if somewhat filling) homage to The Greasy Spoon.

Firefox Browser Update Is Out

If you’re using Firefox as your web browser, an update (to 1.0.4) is available – – click the little red triangle update button at the upper right corner of the screen to download and install the update.

Just remember to unclick the “Use Firefox Home Page As Your Home Page” or whatever the heck it says. Boy, that annoys the heck out of me that they always want to redirect your home page back to Firefox’s home page. That’s user-unfriendly behavior that’s almost Microsoftian in its hostility, in my opinion.

Sioux Falls is #1

As reported in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader[*1] , Forbes Magazine has for the third straight year rated Sioux Falls, SD as the best small city (under 345,000 population) to start a business or a career. Rapid City, on the other end of South Dakota, ranked sixth.

Sioux Falls is a very, very nice town. Sadly, it’s too cold for Snookums, however.