OpinionJournal Encounters A Truth

OpinionJournal[*1] discusses a Washington Post story:

Evangelical Republicans Trust States on Social Issues

Reading the WaPo story, OpinionJournal blogger James Taranto notes:

evangelical Protestant Republicans (EPRs)have more trust in the democratic process than do Americans in general, and presumably far more than secular liberal Democrats (SLDs). It is the SLDs, then, who are guilty of the charge they make against the EPRs–namely, trying to impose their views on others.

Seems like the WaPo is discovering a political truth I realized some time ago and mentioned in the context of the esteemable Howard Dean: The Democrats have become the Party of Psychological Projection.

Hat tip to OpinionJournal

Thomas Sowell on the Military

What Will Future Generations Say?[*1]

It is impossible to fight a war without heroism. Yet can you name a single American military hero acclaimed by the media for an act of courage in combat? Such courage is systematically ignored by most of the media.

If American troops kill a hundred terrorists in battle and lose ten of their own men doing it, the only headline will be: “Ten More Americans Killed in Iraq Today.”

Oh, note to Howard Dean: Sowell is black. He has a job, too.

Glenn Reynolds vs. Howard Dean

Glenn Reynolds[*1] strikes again! Quotes like this keep him at the front rank in the Blogosphere:

Howard Dean is pretty much a one-man ScrappleFace full-employment guarantee.

Reynolds is of course talking about our beloved National Democratic Chairman and former Presidential Candidate (YEARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!) Howard Dean, in reference to Dean’s quote:

“Thanks to their pale skin, round eyes and khaki trousers, Republicans just blend in,” said Mr. Dean. “So they vote, get in the back of the line and vote again. And because they’ve never made an honest living in their lives, they could do that all day long.”

It is fascinating how vote fraud, which if the Democrats didn’t invent, they brought to the level of high art, has become a core belief in the Democrats’ litany of complaints against the Republicans. I’ve long ago come to the conculsion that the Democrats are the Party of Psychological Projection[*2] (i.e. most of what they loathe and fear about Republicans, they are themselves guilty of). Perhaps this is what the experts mean about half of all Americans suffering mental illness during their lifetimes?

Oh, a link to Scrappleface[*3] , an often hilarious parody site.

In The News . . .

Catching up on some of the headlines:

Deep Throat Revealed![*1]
OK, who really cares? I mean, I’m a pretty serous news junkie but please, some 90-year-old guy gets trotted out before his demise so that his golddigger family can cash in on his not-so-noble past? (Not-so-noble in that he wasn’t leaking out of civic duty, but because he was P.O’ed about being passed over for FBI Director. Next story, please!)

France, Netherlands Reject the EU Constitution![*2]
So much for European Unity, at least for a while.

Michael Jackson Trial goes to Jury![*3]
And, in a related story, MJ has “back pain.” Riiiiighttttt . . .

Amnesty International Destroys its Credibility![*4]
In a master stroke of transparent international leftism, Amnesty International head (ironically named Kahn) equates guards kicking holy books and generally being disrespectful of murderers and terrorists to Soviet camps where thousands and millions were worked and starved to death by Stalin. KAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!.

This is “news?”

Lead paragraph from a Kansas City Star[*1] front page story:

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Friday released new details about mishandling of the Qur’an at the Guantanamo Bay prison, confirming that a soldier deliberately kicked the Muslim holy book.

OK, so kicking a religion’s holy book is a pretty darn impolite thing to do, and depending on whether or not you believe in the teachings in the book, might just consign you to Hell. But really, is it front page news? Really?

My Hidden Camera Can Beat Up Your Hidden Camera

via Fark[*1] and the Denver Post[*2] :

The ABC affiliate (Denver channel 7) planned to use money and hidden cameras to research whether Martino, who appears regularly on Fox-31 News, takes payments to endorse products and services. Martino fought back with a similarly surreptitious tactic: his own hidden camera.

Channel 7 initially asked a Denver businessman for help with its report. At Martino’s behest, the man on Wednesday secretly taped the journalists as they outlined their proposed investigation.

Discussion Topic: Mainstream journalism today is nothing more than an elaborate, expensive, destructive and tedious game of “gotcha.” Arguments for? Against?